Deposition of Elizabeth Russell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:18 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 300r
Elizabeth the Relict of Walter Russell late of the parrish of Saint Michans Dublin fishmonger sworne and examined deposeth and sayth That in since the begining of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof she hath beene deprived of and lost the possession Rentes and proffits of five tenementes all within the same parrish of her losse & damage of threescore powndes or above & of twelve faire Cowes of English breed worth at least xlviij li. & of 6 or 7 horses & one Mare worth xiiij li. & of howshold goodes provition one hogg & other thinges which the souldjers of Captain Cave when they left the Citty forceibly too pillaged and tooke out of her howse worth att least 40 li., and of a due debts owing by one James Russell which the Rebellion hath disabled to make satisfaccion amounting to iij li. xv s. And she is further dampnified by Cesse presse loane of mony for the vse of thEnglish Army manteineing and keeping of thEnglish souldjers and other charges putt vpon her by his Maiesties officers of the said Cittie of Dublin by reason of the Rebellion the some of xx li. more Soe that her losses in all amount to the summ of One hundred fowrscore and five Powndes: By meanes whereof she is quite vndone & hath noe meanes left whereby to subsist in theis her old daies she being about 60 yeres of age, but must depend next vnto god vnto the Charity of her frendes for her future manteinance
<Dr J: Mr B>
Signum predictæ Elizabethæ [mark]
Jur vjto Julij 1644
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 300v
Elizabeth Russell Jur
6o July 1644