Examination of Nora Ny Gyraghty
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813179r128] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:28 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 179r
1891 1801
The examjnacion of Nora Ny Gyraghty of Killcullen in the County of Kildare widdow aged about forty yeares taken the eleueth day of ffebr 1653 before
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith, That [ ] soone after the begining of the Rebellion the examjnant then liueing at <A> Roseberry in the County of Killdare, shee was then tould by seuerall of the Inhabitants there whose names shee remembreth not that William Harrold be of Roseberry aforesaid beeing in the house of Katherin Taylor widdow drinking, [ ] and the said William Harrold heareing a boy begging at the doore the said William Harrold came forth (as the examjnant was tould) and killed the said boy, pretending that hee was a spy to Mrs Weldon of Roseberry aforesaid, [ ] The examjnant further saith that after the said boy was killed shee heard seuerall of the said Inhabitants say that it was a shame th for the said William Harrold to murther the said boy, And further saith not
Nora ny [mark] Gyharties
Taken and deposed before
vs the day & yeare aforesaid
Jo: Gay:
Ro: Harding
fol. 179v
1802 1892
fol. 180v
1804 1894
The examjnacion of
Nora ny Gyharty