Deposition of Nathaniell Bennett
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:18 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 309r
Nathaniell Bennett nowe of the Citty of Dublin gent Battery maister to his Maiesties traine of Artilery sworne & examined deposeth and saith That when the present Rebellion began in this kingdome he this deponent was storekeeper of the garrison of Carlile in the kingdome of England and soe was absen{t} out of the kingdome of Ireland And saith that then one John Pren{tice} then of the Parrish of Newmarkett in the County of Cork a protest{ant} th had received into his hands of this deponentes moneys the summ of 40 li. ster which the deponent is affraid he shall loose becawse the towne of Newmarkett (by credible report) is burned and ruined & all the protestant holdings nere the same, and this deponent knoweth not whether the said John Prentice be aliue or dead And this deponent by meanes of this Rebellion hath lost the benefite & rents of his howse in Newmarkett aforesaid & of his farme in that parrish: & by credible report his howse is burned to his damage of C li. And this deponent by meanes of this Rebellion is dampnified & as he his is verely perswaded hath lost in his course of tradeing as a Clothier (wherein he imployed seuerall workmen) the summ of 200 li. And further saith that there is due vnto him for his s{ } of 3 s. per diem for his entertainment for his place yeres aboue C li. which hee is affrayd he shall loose by reason of the present Insurrection <440 li.> & presen troubles But whoe burned this deponentes howse or spoiled the towne of Newmarkett aforesaid hee cannott tell In respect he was absent w at the first riseing of the Rebells there, & was neuer there since
<Dr J H B>
Nathaniel Bennett
Jur 14 Julij 1645
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton
fol. 309v
Nathaniell Bennett Jur
14 July 1645
Cf non fol