Deposition of Charles Prince
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:08 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 69r
Charles Prince of towne and parish of Tubred within the County of Tipperary Clerke. a Brittish protestant duely sworne and examined beefore vs by vertue of &c deposeth and sayeth deposeth that on or about the second day of January last and since the beegining of this present rebellion in Ireland hee lost and was robbed and forceably dispoyled of his goods and Chattells to the seuerall values following vizt worth 127 li. 413 li.Of his Cattle to the value of 16 li.-0-0
O f horses Cha tles and how shouldstuffe85-0-0
Of Corne hay and other howshold provision35-0-0
Of debts
<A> And this deponent sayth that that hee lost in debts the sum of one hundred and fifty powndes due from Elyas Prendergast of Clowmell, michaell Browne merchant of waterford Patrick Englesh gentleman John o Brennogh yeoman Constance o donnell yeoman walter Shinoge yeoman James Cummin Comin yeoman William Prendergast gentleman Bryan o Donnell yeoman Peter Butler gentleman all of the Parish of Tubred aforesaid John Keating of Nicolstowe in the said yeoman and Stephan Power who liues neare waterford. they are all Iresh men and as this deponent is informed are in rebellion. allsoe from Mr Michaell Doyly gentleman John Dennet and ffrancis Powell Englesh men and <Impouerished> protestants, but as this deponent is informed vtterly disabled to make him any satisfaction. And this deponent sayth that hee cannot sett downe all particulars of his debts and debtors in regard the lord Baron of Caher did about the later end of Aprill last take from him all billes bonds and specialties for the foresaid monies with his writings titles and letters of orders and a greate parte of his howsehold stuffe, But hee sayth his Cattle Corne and parte of of his howseholdstuffe was taken by Jame{s} Butler, Roger mcCragh Thomas mcCragh gen Robert Keating gentlemen, all of the paresh of Tubred in the said Co unty gentlemen (as hee is informed). The totall of his losse amountes vnto two hundred eighty and six powndes. beesides the losses of his Churchliuings for this present yeare The vicarid vicarage of Tubred in the county of tipperary aforesaid com: Annis threescore powndes the vicarge of Deregragh in the same County worth thirty pownds
fol. 69v
889The Vicarge of Pallroane in the County of Kilkenny, twe nty three powndes the [particles? ] of mony=m ontregh and Bally=claghoe [ ] pownds in th e County of waterford [ ] powndes the the totall one hundred twenty and seuen Powndes which hee leaueth to considereationCharles Prince
This deponent further sayth that hee hearde owy the eldest sonne of the lord of Caher to say, I would I were after the <B> killing all the Englesh men in Ireland for where the Englesh are rooted out they liue as brauely and quietly as can bee and hee allsoe sath that hee credibly hearde that Thomas Groues of Roches towne in the county of Tipperary with his howsehold doe goe to masse and doth as yet liue in the Castle of the said Rochestowne among the rebbells
Charles Prince
Jurat coram nobis 10
Augusti 1641
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
Charles Princes Exam: