Deposition of Henrie Brabazon
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:58 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 30r
1070A briefe informa t ion giuen in to his Maiesties Commissioners of all such goods as Henrie Brabazon of Ranowe in the parish of Wickloe gen tleman sworne & examined saith that he was robd of by the Rebells of the County of Wicklow some of them being his knowne neighbours about the xth daie of November An. 1641 of his goodes hereafter expressed vizt whoe beinge duely sworne deposeth as followeth li.I n primis the y tooke awaie in of butter and Cheese to the value of ______05.00.0Item in bedding linnen and wearing apparrell ______________________20.00.0Item in a brewing pan of brasse, two kettles, two potts
and a dripping pan ___________________________________________03.16.0Item in vtensills of Iron of all sorts ______________________________01.10.0More in Chests, hutches, trounk and all other vessells for a darie ______ 2.10.0More in board,bedsteads, tables, formes, Chaires, stooles,
Cushens and other necessaries _________________________________ 2.15.0In a black horse and a Mare ___________________________________ 5.00.0
In leases and debt to the value of _______________________________40.00.0
And that the said goodes These good s aboue printed were taken awaie by <A> Tirlagh Quin of Ranow, Dowlan mc Shane Birn of Ballyleagh, Donnell Birn of the Mountaine and Hugh Bane of Ballenleagh seruant to the aforsaid Dowlan mc Shane Birne these which were the men that were seene and knowne beside others that kept without dores. all of the Countie of wickloe & neighbours to the deponent And further sayth that quickly after the goodes followinge were forcei bly by the Rebells Goods taken from him on his waie to Dublin by the rebells viztI n primis 7 Cowes and 4 young heiffers whereof
two were yearlings worth _____________________________________25.6.8More And there were also by the Rebells taken from him (at the dore of a farme house <B> of Edward Walsh of Ballycra ge Crunnakerry in the said Countie the sonne and heire of Edward Walsh of Clonmanning being a landed man of great meanes a downe feather bed withall things belonging to it as likewise pewter and brasse to the value ____________ 20.0.0
<And further saith that the the goodes followinge thes e were by the rebells then taken from him at his dwelling house vizt>More in hey the worth of ______________________________________ 02.0.0
in geese ducks and other poultrie _______________________________ 00.10.0More for a hog and a Cade worth _______________________________ 00.13.0
in two barrells of ground mault _________________________________ 01.10.0More for a Scullett and more of In beanes ________________________ 00.5.0
In money __________________________________________________ 10.0.0
In all ____________________________________140.15.8
signum [mark] Henr Brabazon
Jur 22o Jan 1641
Coram nobis Joh Watson
William Aldrich
fol. 30v