Examination of Ann Courann

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=815435r470] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:03 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-01-31
Identifier: 815435r470


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing, Stripping
Commissioners: Daniel Hutchinson, Theophilus Jones, Thomas Long, William Gilbert
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 435r

Thexamynation of Ann Courann of the Cittye of Dublin spinster aged about Eighteene yeers &c taken the xxxjth of January 1652 befor Daniell Huchinson Mayor of Dublin Sir William Gilbert knight Collonell Theophilus Jones and Collonell Long Members of the High Court of Justis, & appoynted a Comittee &c.
The said examinant beeinge duly sworne & Examynd sayth, that shee was in the house (or Castle of Dysert in the <A> Quenes County when maior Jo. Pigott James Couran (this examinants father) & dyvers others weare kild, onn or about the first Tewsday after Michaellmis day in the yeer 1646, & this examinant saith that shee was present at the Grate within the said house, after that a parlye was beaten, & that they left off shootinge within & without, & theare was Mr Barnaby Dunn at the Grate keepinge & lookeinge to it, & the said maior wished him to bee Careffull to Gett or make Good quarter for him & his men, & the said Mr Dunn sayd that hee would

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would take Care, & this examinant sayth that Mr Arthur Pigott (the maiors youngest brother) was at the Grate within syde with Mr Dunn, & this examinant beleiueth that Eyther Mr Dun or the said Mr Arthur Pigott did vn lock & open the <B> Grate, & this examinant did see the said Mr Dunn Goe out at the Grate (& shee saith that in or about the tyme that the Grate was openinge & before the said Mr Dun went out, the Enymye was Gott in to the hale (that Joyneth to the said house through a window which thay broke, & then presently many more of the Enymye Came in both at the Grate & at the window and this examinant sayth that shee did see an officer (one Lieutenant Collonell ffarell as shee Remembreth his name was) who Came neer to the Grate & shee heard him the said Lieutenant Collonell promyse Mr Dun that thay should haue all fayer Quarter that weare in the house, before or about the tyme that the said window was breakeinge, but shee sayth that thear Came in to the said house Great numbers of the Enymye & did kill the men & stript this examinant & the R est of the woemenn, this examinant saith that shee, beleiueth that if the Grate had beein kept, the Close & fast the

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The Enymye Could not haue soe Easly Easyly e haue Gone vpp the Stayers, not with standinge theyr beinge in at the said window, but the said maior might haue kept the stayers against them (if hee had knowne that the Enymye <had> had been goten into the hale, but shee doth think that the Enymye weare vpp in the Roome aboue stayres (or at the stayers hed) before the said maior knew that thay weare (any of them) within the said house, & further this examinant saith nott.
Ann [mark] Courann her marke
taken by
Dl: Huchinson
William Gilbert
Theo: Jones
Thomas Long

fol. 436v


The Examinacion of An Couran taken the 31 Jan: 1652 concerning the Murder of Piggott &c.

Deponent Fullname: Ann Courann
Deponent Gender: Female
Deponent Occupation: Spinster
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Jo. Pigott, James Couran, Barnaby Dunn, Arthur Pigott, Lieutenant Collonell ffarell
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Victim, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel