Deposition of James Bentley
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
James Bentley Clarke Parson of Dromkae and Vicker of Radrome in the County of Wickloe beinge duely sworne & examined saith that he by reason of the Late insureccion of the Irish rebbels of the said County about the last eight of October November 1641 for safgard of his life was forced to flie from Donganston in the County afforesaid wher he then dwelled and that soone after his departure from thence [ ] one Teige oge Birne of Ballinvalla in <A> the afforesaid County & his son Collogh Birne did & with force and after a Rebellious manner take possession of the house of Donganston and tooke alsoe possession of this Examinants Library to the vallue of fourescore pounds st Likewise his apparrell and other goods worth twenty and five pounds was then in the said house of Donganston and taken awaie by the said Teige oge Birne, his soon and theire followers Likewise he saith that there was then due vnto him for smale tythes by the parishioners of the severall parishes afforesaid thirty pounds st and alsoe that there was then iustly due vnto him for greate tythes and money lent out of purce that the said Teige oge Birne and one James Richard mc Melaghlen of Castle mc Adam and divers others <B> that are now out in rebellion the some of one and twenty pounds st And this deponent was by the rebells aforesaid expelled from his Church liveings worth 100 li. per annum & is like to loose the future proffites thereof vntill a peace be setled Likewise he saith that there are other debts due vnto him in that Country by Mr Geordge Potts and divers other gentlemen of that County who are nowe for the most parte disabled to satisfie [ your supplicant ] this said examinant in regard they haue been robbed and spoyled by the said Rebells the some of forty seaven pounds st.
302 li.>
James Bentley
Jurat 15 ffebr 1641
Roger Puttocke
William Hitchcock
fol. 31v
44 Wicklow o
James Bentley Clark 15o
Febr 1641
Intw Cert fact
8 Nov