Deposition of Zacharias Dickinson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 43r
Zacharias Dickinson of Newtowne in the parish of Kilcool and Barrony of Newcastle within the Countie of Wickloe a brittish protestant beinge duly sworne deposeth That or aboute the 10th or 11th day of November last aboute 3 of the clocke in the morninge he the deponent was robd of and lost
<Inprimis> in corne worth _____________ 02_00_00
in Chatles worth _____________________ 06_00_00
in houshold goods worth ______________ 04_00_00
in ready moneys _____________________ 00_11_00
in all amountinge to __________________012_11_00
<25 li. 2 s.>And theise traiterous actions were committed and words spoken that I was a rebbel,And theise other Circumstances and outrages were committed by Edmund Burne of the Downe gent <A> Richard mc fort of Ballrownan gent: Cahere mc Art ge{nt} Edmund Barne of Kilquale Richard mc Bryan {of} the Downe gent: the se robberies and lew e d actions were committed as aforesaid : 5th January 1641
Those persons all liues in the Countie of Wickloe
January 6to 1641 deposed coram
John Sterne
Hen: Brereton
fol. 43v
fol. 44r
fol. 44v
[ ] Zacharias Dickison Comit:Longford Wickloe
Jan: 5o 1641
Intr10 1 10 No
[symbol] de hoc
[ ] 86 +