Examination of Andrew Harvey
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fol. 250r
The examinacion of Corporall Andrew Harvey taken before vs the 12th January 1652
Beinge duly sworne sayth vppon his oath that the said deponant hereinge that One Phillip Car, goeinge from Monnoath, to Balsoone was murthered by fiue blody Rebells, by name, Pattricke Gough, Teige Malloy, Richard Deighannan & Pattrick Rush, and one John Tirrell not yet taken, this examinant & Henry Higly in his Company hereinge the said Rebells weare In the Country he made serch for them, and vppon the third day, of this Instant month they apprehended the four persons whoes names are first mentioned as aforesaid – vppon the apprehendinge of Diganhan and Rush demaunded of them where weare the men that murthered Phillip Carr, where vponn Diganha{n} answered, that that he might finde that he might finde one of them Called Tiege Malloy at Rotouth, and Pattrick Gough at Killeene, and that one Tirrell was gon away with, Schurlox, as they had herd & confessed that they themselues in Company with other there weare at the takeinge of Carr them and gaue him quarter, and that Diganha{n}
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fol. 251r
<C C> And Rush Weare sent by the other thre before mencioned wear e sent towards tecrahan to get either A and Ransom or a prisner in exchang for him the m, and before. the said Rush and Diganhan, returned the said Car, was murthered by the other thre, as the said Rush and Diganhan, Confessed vnto the{} examinaeant, and the said Diganhan hath the hat and the Clothes of the said Car which he pretends he bought of the thre that Murthered the said Car, and oweth sixe shillings of the monny
An: Harvey
Sworne & examined by vs the xijth of January 1652
Rob: Meredith
Ric: Hunt
Tho: allen
Edw: Pyers
Rd: Tighe
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