Deposition of Richard Evan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 46r
Richard Evan of Garriforth in the County of Wickloe duly sworne sayth that he was robbed and despoiled about the 15th of November 1641 of thes ensuing goodes to the valew by them respectivly annexed viztA not of all the goods and Chattles that Richard Evan c e late of Garri s forth in the County of wickloe soilder was possessed of the 15th day of Nouember in the yeare 1641 six great Cowes vallued at _______________________12 li.
I n primisle peece
It five heffers vallued att ________________________________02_10 s. le peece
It nyne foure mares And five garrance vallued at _____________18_0
It fiue and fortie sheepe vallued at ________________________ 9_
It o ne [ ] in houshold stuff ______________________________10_
It one garden Cropp____________________________________ 1_0
In all sum ma tot _____________________40 li. _10 s.The deponent was a souldier vnder the Comand the Lord [Do cu ra]<And> The said deponent
I the said Ric h ard Evan ce doe testifie in my Conscience that I was truely possessed of all the perticullars aboue men tioned and that they were worth the som m aboue saiddeposeth further sayth that he was soe robbed & dispoiled by Luke Toole of <A> Castlekeyne gent in the County of wickloe gent and his sonn Brian Too{le} his sonn and heire John Birne of BalleneCoe in the said county gent and Garrald Birne of Ballekirryn gent and Luke Birne of Balleclorin in the said County gent with divers others rebells mallefactors whoe was were vppon the robbing of the aforesaid him this deponent Richard Evan c the day and yeare aboue said Richard [mark] Evan his marke
Jur 16o ffeb 1641
John Sterne
William Aldrich
fol. 46v
46 Wickloe o
Rich: Evan Jur 16o ffebr 1641
15 No.
A true inuentore
of what goods
Rich evance lost
by the Rebells