Examination of Patrick Goch
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The examinacion of Patrick Goch now prisoner in the ffower Courts sayeth & acknowledgeth
<C> That he was present att the takinge of a man whose names he cannot remember neare two or three miles from Manuth about Maye last in the company of Teigh Malloy Richard Dighonan Patrick Russh & John Tirell & a boye, whom they carried prisoner into a wood, & there left him in the custody of John Tirell & the boye, and sayeth that he this Examinant with Patrick Russh & Richard Dighonan went towards Newcastle, & that Teig Malloy went for vittles, he sayeth that Richard Dighonan vpon the stripping taking of the said Carr did stripp him of his Cloathes, & gaue the said Carr his owne Cloathes insteed thereof, and sayeth that Tirrell killed him or some other whom he knoweth not,
He att last remembred his name to be Carr, But and att his first being first of his Examined he vtterly denied, that he was not present nor knew any no thinge thereof nor any parts thereof that ever he was in the company of the fower aboue named or the boye, nor knew the cloathes beinge shewed to him, till the other w e two Patrick Russhe & Rich: Dighonan were brought face to face to iustifie the same & then he made the confession aboue menc one written