Deposition of Richard Sheapheard
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:40 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 122r
Richard Sheapheard late of the parrish and Town of Shandrahan in the Baroney of Eueretts Castle, and Countie of Tipperarie chirurgian (a Brittish Protestant) duely sworne and examined by vertue of deposeth and saith, That neere the last of Januarie last, hee was robbed and forcibly dispoiled of his Goods and chattells to the seuerall values following vid worth 127 li. 10 s.Of his Cowes , Horses One Mare, & One Coult and other younge Cattle to the value of fifetie pounds and Tenn shillings. Of his Corne, and Hay to the value of Twentie pounds. Of His Garden fruites & Householld-stuffe to the value of seauen pounds. The Deponent further saith that Hee was expelled and driuen away from his farme & House at Shandrahan aforesaid, wherein Hee had a Lease of Nine & thirtie yeares to come worth Communibus Annis aboue the Landlords Rent Twentie Markes per Annum which hee valueth to be lost vnto him the worth of 50 li. pounds The Deponent allso saith, that he was robbed & dispoiled of his said Goods by the Meanes of William Landergane of the Parrish of Tallow-horton in the Barroney & Countie aforesaid Gentleman & diuers others whose Names He knoweth not now out in actuall Rebellion; And further hee cannot depose. The totall of his Losses amounts to One hundred Twentie seauen pounds, & Tenn shillings sterl. He further saith that John lane of Tollohorton in the said County Cooper Thomas Smith of the parish of Shandrahan in the said County shoomaker Clement Dopson of the same <B> parish yeoman Hugh Maisters of the same parish yeoman & Henry Newman of the same parish yeoman formerly professed protestants but since this rebellion turned papists & further he cannot depose
Richerd Shephard
Jurat coram nobis
7o Junij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
fol. 122v
Richard Sheepheard’s