Deposition of Phillis Frost
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:01 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 141r
Phillis ffrost widdowe (the Relict of John ffrost) Late of the Towne of Callen and parish of Callen in the Bar. of Quonogh within in the Countye of Tipperarie duely sworne and exmined before vs by vertue of &c deposeth and saieth that on or aboute the begininge of December 1641, shee Lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of her goods and Chattles by meanes of this present Rebbellion in Ireland to the seuerall vallues followinge vizt value of 175 li.-17 s. str.Of Cowes heffers yearelings horsses Mares goults and hoggs to the value of fforty eight pounds. of Corne in howse and haggard to the valu e of fowerteene pounds Of howse houlde goods and cloathes to the value of thirtie pounds Of Implements of husbandry to the value of six pounds shee likewise saieth that by meanes of this Rebbellion she lost of corne in grounde growinge vppon parte of the Lands of Callen aforesaide to t h e value of twelue pounds as alsoe of Corne in grounde growinge vppon the stangs in the parish of Owly within the County of limericke to the value of fowe r teene pounds ster, shee further deposeth that by meanes of this Rebbellion shee was dispocessed of her farme of the stangs aforesaide wher e in shee had a tearme of nyne yeares to come worth comunibus annis thirty shillings over and aboue the Landlords rent which she valueth to bee woorth six pounds ster as alsoe of her l that she was dispossessed of her howses and Land in Cullen aforesaide wherein shee had a tearme of nyne yeares to come worth comunibu s annis ten pounds over and abou e the Land Lords rent which shee valueth to bee worth thirty pounds Shee lastly saieth that shee lost of debts which this deponent accounted good debt before this Rebbellion the summe of twelue fifteen pounds seauenteene shillings due v ppon Edmond E uered Evered gent Valentine washer yeoman togeather with others whos whose names this deponent remembreth nott (beinge disabled protestants) The totall of her losses amounts to one hundred seauenty fiue pounds
fol. 141v
1034And seauenteene shillings ster. she alsoe saieth And that shee intrusted Garrett and Eustace English of Garrehecky in the County of Limericke gent which shee conceaues to bee Lost in regarde that they are nowe in actuall Rebbellion her cause of knowledge is that they the saide Englishes were of them that convayed this deponent and the Rest after the takeinge of Cullen Castle And further shee deposeth nott.
fol. 142r
fol. 142v
Phillis ffrost her
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