Deposition of Hugh Madden ex parte Edward Loftus
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 75r
Hugh Madden late of Kirreke in the County of wickloe gentleman produced on the behalf of memor and that Edward Loftus of Ballenebarne in the Countie of Wicklow esquire being duly sworne and examined deposeth that the thirteenth of Nouember last past hee the said Edward loftus was robbed and spoyled by the procurement or putting on of John mc Brian <A> mc Phellym of Ballenecorr in the County of wickloe Esquire Charles mc Phellym Birne of the Larragh Esquire Luke Toole of Castlekevyne Esquire and Garrott mc Phellym Birne of Ballekirryn gent with divers others rebells whose names he knowes not of theis goodes following
vizt in Cowes _________________________________________180 li._0_0
in horses stood & garrance ______________________________ 60_0_0
in sheepe ____________________________________________ 30_0_0
Corne in ground & aboue ground _________________________200_0_0
in Swyne ____________________________________________ 20_0_0
And was by them expelled from The freehold of Ballenebarne w or th
with the appurtennces __________________________________ 60 per Annum
And that he lost in the charge of his in building the howse
of Ballenebarnn worth __________________________________200_0_0_
And alsoe expelled from another free hold in Carrisforth worth __ 20 per Annum
And hath alsoe lost of due debts due in the County of wickloe ___ 88_6_4
In all ______________________________678_6_4
And this deponent further sayth that he this deponent after hee had beene first beseiged having conference they by at the least Eight hundreth of the Rebells: having conference with them some of them They then gave out in wordes that that busines which they had begun they would pursue till it were effected and would not looke for a Pardon for the same or to that effect
Hugh Madden
Jur 23o ffebr 1641
Joh Watson
John Sterne
in all 760 li._14 s._4
fol. 75v
57 59 Wickloe 93
Hugh Madden pro Eduardo
Loftus Aro Jur 23o
ffebr 1641
Cert stay the Cert
for a forme must be
Intr 13 No