Deposition of Jane Collins
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:46 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 160r
Jane Collins the wife of John Collins late of Bawnegarry in the parish of ffeatherd in the & County of Tipperary (a brittish protestant) being duely sworne & examined by vertue of &c for and in the behalf of the said Jo hn Collins nowe absent & extreame sicke she deposeth and saith. That on or aboute Christmas last and diuers times since the begining of this presente rebellion in Ireland he John Collins (now absent & sick lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vizt worth 107 li.-10 s.Of Cowes hieffers and horses to the value of threescore and nyne pounds ten shillings. Of houshould stuffe linnen wollen & weareing apparell to the value of seaven pounds. Of hay and Corne in the Haggard and house to the value of eleaven pounds. Of ready mony fiue pounds. This deponent saith that the said John Collins was dispossessed of his said farme by meanes of this rebellion wherin he had a lease of seaventeene yeeres to come haueing Improued the the same with building & incloseing which lease this deponent valueth to be woorth twenty pounds. The totall of the depo said John C o llins losses amounts to one hund red and seaven pounds ten shillings. & that by the hands & means of John Hackett fitz John of ffeatherd in the said County gentleman & some of my lord of dunboynes forces whose names this deponent knoweth not. And this deponent saith that the said John Collins was stripped by the said rebells in ffetherd aforesaid & most cruelly pared his feete & with skeines and pricked his body in seuerall places to make
fol. 160v
him confes his mony was as they pretended & further he canot depose.
Jane [mark] Collins marke
Jurat coram nobis
27o Julij 1642
Phil: Bisse.
Thomas Ellwell
The examination
of Jane Collins
C 371
his Maties