Deposition of Daniell Rideings
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:23 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 87r
Daniell Rideings of the Monaster in the parrish of Powerscourte in the Countye of wicklow weaver aged 51 yeres or thereabouts duely sworne & examined saith that he lost in & by this presente rebellyon these goods ffollowing
li. s. d.
Imprimis in houshold goods the value of ______________04_00_00
It in 2 swyne ____________________________________01_00_00
It in haye _______________________________________02_00_00
It in provision ___________________________________01_00_00
Summe totall is ______________________08_00_00This Which Eight pounds worth of goods was this deponent was constrained to leave behinde him aboute the third of december 1641 which was aboute the tyme that this deponentes Captaine Captain Richard Wingfield suddanely drew this deponent & the rest of the Company on his Maiestyes service to dublin from Powerscourte aforesaid where we lay in garrison Euer since which tyme this deponent could Neuer looke send after his goods, by reason the rebells presently after our departure came to the said Powerscourte, and further doth Not depose
Daniel [mark] Rideings marke
deposed March 1 1641
William Hitchcock
John Sterne
fol. 87v
A59 Wickloe
Daniell Rydings 1o Marcij 1641
Intr 3 dec