Deposition of Thomas Reynolds
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 88r
Thomas Reynolds late of Clanarkin in the County of Wicklow husbandman duly sworne and examined deposeth That on or about the Twelueth day of November last hee was in the night time robbed and dispoiled at Clanarkin aforesaid of his goodes and Chattles to the value following vizt of Cowes heifers and Calues worth an hundred forty and seaven pounds, of horses mares and Coltes worth fower and twentie pounds and tenn shillings of houshould goodes and garden fruites worth Thirtie three pounds, of Corne and hay worth thirtie pounds, of sheepe worth eight pounds, in other moveable goods worth ffifteene pounds, of debts twenty pounds, of his Lease for years of Clanarkin aforesaid worth thirty pounds amounting in all to Two hundred nynetie seaven pounds tenn shillings sterling by or by the meanes and handes of about the nomber of thirty rebells in that County whose names hee could not know it being in the night as aforesaid, but some parte of the deponentes goods were <A> carryed to the house of John mc Bryan Birne of Ballynecorr in the said County At which time the said rebells comanded the deponent & his family to departe from his house the next day otherwise they would fire them in it, And they did robb all the English Protestantes in those partes And pr the deponent & his wife and children were banished and expelled from Ballinec Clanarkin aforesaid, And as they were comeing towardes Dublin they mett divers other strange Rebells who required the deponent & his wife to goe to Masse & to turne to bee of theire companie and soe doing his goods should bee restored to him againe which motion this deponent refused And therevpon they stripped him his wife and children & forced them to come to Dublin naked
Jur 22o ffebruary 1641o coram nobis
Hen: Brereton
Hen: Jones
fol. 88v