Deposition of John Fenn
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:17 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 97r
John ffenn of the Cittie of Dublin yeoman sworne & examined sayth That about the 15th day of November last past hee this deponent at Kilmoloane Park in the County of Wicklowe was robbed and dispoyled of his goodes & chattles of the values following vizt, Of beastes and Cattle xl li. horses v li. sheepe and hogges viij li. Corne & howshold goodes and provision xx li. 6000 Barrell staves viij li. Lock stocks xx s. ready money five powndes In all fowrscore and seven powndes By and by the meanes of the Rebells hereafter named vizt Donnell <A> Carr รด Birne of the Clones in the Barrony of Barranecurr in the County of wicklow Esquire and Brann Birne of the same gentleman his brother Edmund Birne of Tancastle in the same County gent & about 100 more of their souldiers complicees or assistantes: And the said Rebells told thi and offered this deponent that if hee would turne papist & goe to Masse with them he should have his goodes againe But he refuseing they told him that they had they published a proclamacion that if the deponent and the other protestantes did not leave that cuntry they shold be hanged by Marshall Lawe where vpon this deponent and his wife & children for safftie of their lives privately fled away in the night tyme & soe were expelled from their habitacion & had all their clothes afterwardes taken from them by the said Rebells & left to the cold weather & want extreame want whereby soe they are vtterly vndone & like to perish
John Fen
Jur 12o ffebr 1641
William Hitchcocke
Hen: Brereton
fol. 97v
43 John Fen o
Com Dublin Wicklow
febr 12
15 Nov
43 +