Deposition of Phillip Vaghane
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 03:54 PM
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fol. 3r
Phillip Vaghane the yonger of Moyalloe in the Countie of Corke gent. (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of &c deposeth and saieth. That on or about the 11th of ffebruary Last. and since and the beggininge of this present rebellion in Ireland hee lost and was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles worth 193 li. 10s. 0 & hath lost in debts the summe to the se u er all values followinge vizt of 30 li. a good part whereof was due from Of Cowes to the value of one hundred fiftie se auenty one sixtie and six pounds ster. Of househowld stuffe to the value of two pounds tenn shillings ster. Of Corne in stake and in the howse to the value of ffo rtie pounds sterlinge. He further saieth that of debts which this deponent accounted good debts before this Rebbellion amounting the summe of thirtie pounds ster. due vppon from Thomas williams yeoman Thomas Billingsly disabled protestants by meanes of this Rebbellion & the vndernamed persons are likewise in open & actuall rebellion vzt Cnoughor ffield <A> yeoman Teige o Herlihy yeoman Mlaghilin Garvane John mc Cotter and Garrett mc Cotter yeomen now in actuall Rebellion all late of the parish of Templemichaell in said County therefore the deponent doth verily thinke hee cannott gett satisfaction from them. The totall of his Losses amounts to two hundred twenty and three pounds and tenn shill ster. he furthr that aboute the time first aboue mencioned he was robd partly by Richard Barrat of ffahagh gentleman, and partly by the Lord Mount Garrets army at the seidge of Moyallo, & further he cannot depose.
Phillip vaughann
Jurat coram nobis 30 Maij
Phil: Bisse
Tho: Bettesworth
Ric: Williamson
fol. 3v
The Examination
of Phillip Vaghan
Ext Certificate