Deposition of Hugh Gribbell
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:01 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 143r
1148The bill of Complaynt of Hugh Gribbell of Muckcredyn alys carrisfort in the County of wickloe & parish of radrom sworne & examined sayth that on the 15th of nouember there came vnto him one Luke Toole Cor onell as he aledged Luke Byrne leftenant Colonell as he aledged Phelyme Byrne sargeant <A> major Gerrald mc Phelyme Byrne Captain Cayre mc Phelyme Byrne Captain Richard mc Laughlen Byrne Captain Bryan Toole Captain Donough Carraigh Byrne Captain with many others & on the day aforesaid forceibly tooke from the complaynant this deponent in ready mony foure pownds fiftene shillings ster: ten cowes one bull one calfe & two heffers price worth twenty pownds ster forty fiue sheepe and lambs price worth six pownds ster one mare & nagg three pownds ster ten shillings ster in houshould stufe and garden tenn pownds ster one peece of scarlett couller kersey fifty shillings ster in wearinge apparell five pownds ster one sword 15 s. ster in Iron eight pownds twelue shillings ster: one tubb of butter price forty foure shillings ster two beafes in salt price forty shillings ster one hogg in salt price price x s. ster in all amountinge to 63 li. 16 s. ster: & sayd when they tooke away the foresaid goods that they weare the Queenes souldiers & had comission for what they did
hugh [mark] Gribbell sig
Jurat Apr 2o 1642
Hen: Brereton
William Hitchcocke
fol. 143v
77 Wicklow
Hugh Gribbell
15 no
Jur 2o Aprilis