Deposition of John Joice

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:54 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-08-19
Identifier: 811148r110


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Arson, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson, William Aldrich
Deposition Transcription:

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John Joice viceconstable of the black Castle of wickloe sworne & examined sajth That since the begining of the presente rebellion & by meanes thereof: vizt about the begining of November last past, Hee this deponent was deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of his goodes and chattells hereafter expressed vizt vpon & from his farme of Greenan and Ballinacoole in the Countie of Wickloe & within Wickloe aforesaid of beastes and Cattle worth 100 li., horses mares & geldinges worth lxxx li. sheepe worth xxvij li. his tannhowse barke leather worth C li. & in his howses burning some 100 li. In his haggard of corne & hay 100 li. hoggs poultrie & other provition worth five powndes In rentes owing by tennantes that are now in rebellion xij li. In all
By Wal theis rebells following vizt by luke Toole of Castle kevin Esquire Teige oge Birne of Ballinvallaghe Esquire an ancient traytor <A> in the tyme of queene Eliz Brian Birne of B Killnamanagh gentleman Walter Birne of Newragh gent John mc Brian Brian Birne of Ballinacor gent, Luke Birne of Killivanagh gentleman James Birne of Tinwillin gentleman William Pluck of Balljesah Brian mc Donogh of Behannaghe Donnogh Comam of Killnemanaghe gentleman Tho: Archbold of Wickloe gentleman Alexander mc Donnell of <B> the same gentleman John Coghlan of Wickloe gentleman all of the Countie of Wickloe Patricke Bane o Cullan Artt mc Shane Gerrott mc Shane, Shane o Cleary James mc Owen Doyle Owen Doyle Butcher Edmond o Cleary Michaell Pasmore, Brian mc Artt Edward mc Brian Tirlagh Byrne Nicholas Doyell, Tirlagh Doyle Harry Barnewall <C> Richard Barnewell, Patrick mc Dermott James Corly Nicholas mc Broder Henry White John White his sonne Tadey Newman, Richard Hore, Shane mc Edward, Thomas White

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James White William mc[Hai]derry, Edmond Conell , Shane mc Murrogh Edward White Peter White fitz Andrew <A> Richard Quin Edmond Duffe, William mc Dermott Richard mc Dermott John mc Dermott Teige ô Cullen, Hugh ô Ronow, Riccard ô Ronow, Laughlin ô Ronow Patrick ô Ronow, Nicholas ô Ronow Walter White Richard Cottner, Gillernow Cotner, John <B> Toole, William Kearny, James mc Richard Henry Bronocke James mc Dermott Donnell Roe Slater Nicholas mc Murtagh Phillipp mc Murtagh Richard mc Phillipp, Dermott Duffe weaver, Murrogh ô Cosker, Rory mc Edmond <C> Thomas ô Money James Barron, Laughlin mc Candricke, Teige mc Candricke, Dermott mc Candrick, Donnell mc Candrick, Mathew mc Candrick, Patrick Reogh, Donnogh ô Ronow Patrick Smith, Gerrald mc Mulshaughlin <D> Patrick mc Murrogh, Patrick mc Tirlagh Edmond mc Gillpatricke, Shane mc Gillpatrick Andrew White Alle Arlander White John George Sherlock Laughlin mc Tirlagh, all of the towne of wickloe, And further sayth That <E> Oliver Masterson of in the County of wexford gentleman, Teige mc Donnell Enae of Cosha in the County of wickloe gentleman, Tirlagh mc Gerrald of Ballymcachera in the County of wickloe gentleman James ffullam late of the Citty of Dublin Shooemaker are (whoe are now in in actuall Rebellion) were and are indebted vnto this deponent in seuerall sumes of <88 li. 4 s.> money amountinge to lxxx viij li. iiij s. which & by meanes of their being in Rebellion he hath [ ] lost the the sumes And this deponent further sayth that Thomas Mullineux gentleman now restinge (by Comission) in the Castle of Wickloe tould this deponent (and soe haue others

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whom this deponent giveth creditt vnto likewise informed him <A> this deponent That Phelix Birne of Barnecoile in the County of Wickloe gentleman, sonne in lawe to Mr Edward Leech of the Grange neere wickloe was about seven weekes since by or by the meanes of the said Mr Mullineux apprehended at dublin for partakinge with the Rebells and especially for writeinge of a letter to him and this deponent for deliueringe vp the Castle of wickloe vnto the Rebells And that the said Phelix Birne was brought before Sir Charles Coote and there examined and Comitted and threatned to be hanged, but how in larged this deponent knowes not Howbeit by some meanes he hath gotten such libertie that about the sixth or seventh of Aprill last this deponent <B> receiued another letter from him, which followeth in these wordes (vizt) Mr John Joyce soe it is though you partly know that I intend to assault the Castle of wickloe before I departe I doe not desire to take the liues of any Christian, soe I desire you and the rest to prepare your selues to serve God soe I rest. yours as you deserve, Phelix Birne which letter this deponent receiued about the 7th of Aprill aforesaid 1642, which letter was thus indorsed To John Joyce and the rest within the Castle of wickloe And afterwardes this deponent received a letter from the said Luke Birne Colonell of the Rebelles thus <C> directed vizt: To his loveing and respected frend Mr John Joice and the rest of the gentlemen in the Castle of wickloe theis, Curteous gent It is not vnknowne to men of your litteracon and experience that it is noe perfect pointe to Christianitie, That men should in scorne of other Christians rather vntymely perrish betweene hope and dispaire, that then yeild to many well disposed gent of men note, as many others of your gentlemen and Cuntrymen have done, & some

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to me selfe ffor which they received the benefite of faithfull promisses fully performed to their content for to the presente, and ever shall by gods grace subsist which gentlemen Like measure and quarter of lives and goodes shall yee receive with all sufficient assureance of performance, yf it shall please the almightie to mollify your hartes, noe longer to stand in your owne lightes & to listen with attentique eares to your owne good & saffe deliuery Wished by your true affectioned frend to doe you service
In expectacion of your answere I rest, Luke Birne
Aprill the xxvijth 1642
Since which tyme this deponent received another letter without any date (but it was deliuered vnto him about the last of Aprill 1642) from the said Walter Birne Thus djrected and writt vizt <A> To Mr John Joice & the rest of his Company: Mr John Joice Being not other wise imployed I was bould to write to you & the rest of my neighbours there with you; we were not wont to be soe long in one towne, but wee dranck, and made merry together ffor my part I am heare since the day that Tho: Marcer was killed which I protest shold not be killed if I were present In the meane whyle I gave way to others to send letters to you, which I knew to be to noe great purpose But if you were in that mynd or in that want, where be that you would leave that place (which I know to be noe pleasant place for you My wourd should be as courrant any any mans Word in the Cuntie I will not treaten you, nor tell you of any thing that is like to befalle for I know you wold not beleeve it But I will tell you some newes That you may beleeve if you please The english Army tooke the Castle of Carrigmanie on Sunday last was sinnoige & killd 14 men that were wardes there and many women children But there was killd of the English Sir Simon the Coroner, his Liftennan{t} Coroner five Captin 200 soildiers: Soe I rest 8 Aprilis 1642 yours as you are myne,Walter Birne
Notwithstanding which letters & the often assaults and attemptes of the rebelles aforesaid (whereby some of the people of the Castle perished) the Castle is not yet taken: but the enemyes from time to tyme repulced by his maiesties small number of souldjers there And this deponent further sayth that the Rebells at the

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towne of wickloe aforesaid have burned pulled downe & spoyled xxiij of this deponentes howses or tenementes in wickloe aforesaid: vpon one of which this deponent bestowed 160 li. in buildinge: By which burning and spoyling this deponent hath lost the value of ffive hundreth Powndes ster: And this deponent hath alsoe beene dispoyled by the Rebells of Corne on the grownd worth xl li. And there is now owing vnto him this deponent by one Dudley <A> Birne of Ballimackshy[mmon] whoe is now in Rebellion & carryethg armes against his Maiesty & his Loyall subiectes & therefore this deponent maketh accompt that he shall loose the same vizt the sume of tenn powndes ster, And this deponent is alsoe expelled from deprived and forceibly dispossessed by the Rebells of his landes of Inheritance lying within the Ranalaghs worth 40 li. per annum whereof one yeres proffitt is already Lost: & this deponent is like to deprived of the future proffites thereof vntill a peace be established Soe as his presente losses by meanes of the Rebellion come vnto one thowsand one hundreth & twoe poundes xiiij s. & his future losse amounteth to 40 li. per annum as aforesaid
John Joyce
Jur 19o Augusti 1642
Joh Watson
Will: Aldrich
Hen: Brereton

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John Horison [additum] in fine libri

Wickloe o
Mr John Joice
Jur 19o Augusti 1642
1 No


Deponent Fullname: John Joice
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Vice Constable
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: luke Toole, Teige oge Birne, Brian Birne, Walter Birne, John mc Brian Birne, Luke Birne, James Birne, William Pluck, Brian mc Donogh, Donnogh Comam, Tho: Archbold, Alexander mc Donnell, John Coghlan, Patricke Bane o Cullan, James mc Owen Doyle, Owen Doyle, Edmond o Cleary, Artt mc Shane, Gerrott mc Shane, Shane o Cleary, Michaell Pasmore, Brian mc Artt, Edward mc Brian, Tirlagh Byrne, Nicholas Doyell, Harry Barnewall, Richard Barnewell, Patrick mc Dermott, James Corly, Nicholas mc Broder, Henry White, John White, Tadey Newman, Richard Hore, Shane mc Edward, Thomas White, James White, William mc[Hai]derry, Edmond Conell, Shane mc Murrogh, Edward White, Peter White fitz Andrew, Richard Quin, Edmond Duffe, William mc Dermott, Richard mc Dermott, John mc Dermott, Teige , Hugh , Riccard , , Laughlin , Patrick , Nicholas , Walter White, Richard Cottner, Gillernow Cotner, John Toole, William Kearny, James mc Richard, Henry Bronocke, James mc Dermott, Donnell Roe Slater, Nicholas mc Murtagh, Phillipp mc Murtagh, Richard mc Phillipp, Dermott Duffe, Murrogh , Rory mc Edmond, Thomas , James Barron, Laughlin mc Candricke, Teige mc Candricke, Dermott mc Candrick, Patrick Reogh, Donnogh , Patrick Smith, Gerrald mc Mulshaughlin, Patrick mc Murrogh, Patrick mc Tirlagh, Edmond mc Gillpatricke, Shane mc Gillpatrick, Andrew White, Arlander White, George Sherlock, Laughlin mc Tirlagh, Oliver Masterson, Tirlagh mc Gerrald, James ffullam, Phelix Birne, queene Eliz, Thomas Mullineux, Edward Leech, Sir Charles Coote, Sir Simon *, Tirlagh Doyle, Donnell mc Candrick, Mathew mc Candrick, Teige mc Donnell Enae
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel