Examination of Con Connor

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=817225r174] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:40 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-01-15
Identifier: 817225r174


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Longford & Westmeath
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Captivity, Killing, Multiple Killing, Stripping
Commissioners: Thomas Richardson
Deposition Transcription:

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January 15th 1652
Con Connor of Castletowne Moylogh in the County of Meath gentleman aged thirtye six yeares or thereabouts being duely sworne and examined touching seuerall Murthers and felonies committed by the Irish Rebels in the County <A> of Lond Longford in the begining of their horrid rebellion sayth that at and for some years before the said rebellion hee this Examinant was Bailiffe to John Edgworth Esquire & lived at Lisnegoonin in the said Countye, and that in or about January 1641, hee this Examinant was taken prisoner at his owne house by ffaghny mcffergus mcBryan fferrall of Tullagh in the said Countye gentleman and carried to Longford where this Examinant was kept prisoner in one lisagh fferralls house for three weeks or thereabouts at which tyme hee this Examinant found in the towne two foot Companies of ffoot Soldiers the one vnder the commaund of Connock mc Rosse fferrall and the other vnder the command of Cahill oge fferrall of Cartronreagh, Captains, and about two nights after there

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came into the said towne of Longford Captaine Lisagh mc Gerald fferrall and Rory <B> mcGerald fferrall with one or two Companies of ffoot vnder their command, but which of both hee doth not well remember and also one Captfferrall of Moydhay in the said County having likewise another Company of ffoot vnder his command, and a few dayes after came into the said towne Captaine Mulmore ô Rely and of SleaghCarbery and Captaine <C> Murrogh mc Edm: fferrall of Killmecarrah with eich of them a Company vnder their commands which Captaines with their Companies beseiged the Castle of longford of all sides, (the said Castle being the lord Angiers house and then in very good condicion and repaire) into which Castle or house were but late before fled for their safety one Mr Thomas Trafford Minister of gods word, mr Thomas Allein, mr Raph Griffith, and divers other English of the neighbouring villages, which seige continued for a moneth or neere thereabouts and then the said Castle was surrendred by the beseiged vppon Articles of agreement for quarter, which Articles were signed by Colonell Connock Mc Rosse fferrall and the rest of the Captains before named as this Examinant <D> was then told by Connell fferrall of Camliske who was Marshall Generall to the said Irish Army

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And further sayth that after the said Articles were signed, and the said mr Trafford mr Allein <E> and the rest of the English in the Castle had opened the gates and were comming forth the said Beseigers fell violently vppon them and stripped them starke naked and killed and drowned their children, and alsoe murthered all the said mr Trafford mr Allein and all the rest of the English that were in the Castle (except mr Griffeth who escaped away) being in all threescore persons or vpwards whom this Examinant saw laid vppon heapes after they were soe murthered, and hee this Examinant himselfe gaue twelue pence to a poore man of the towne to bury the body of the said mr Trafford which was done accordinglye, And this Examinant further sayth that ffaghny mc <f hand> Lisagh fferrall of Newtowne in the said County Esquire was then one of the Commissioners with and for the Irish and was in longford and seene there by this Examinant seuerall tymes during the seige before mencioned And the examinant being demanded whether hee knew of any others murthers or massacres to haue bin committed by any of the Irish in the said County and by whom, and when, sayth that

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not long before the rebellion broke out one Charles ffox of Claduffe in the said County gentleman <G> killed John Coffye who was then a protestant and Clerke of the parish of Ardagh in the said County, and being in prison for the said murther in longford till the rebellion broke out was then sett at libertye by Captaine Mulmore ô Rely before mencioned, his cause of knowledge is that hee this Examinant was one of the Coroners Inquest that found the said ffox guilty of the said murther And further sayth not, his cause of knowledge of what hee hath declared appereth in his examinacion
the marke of
Con [mark] Connor
Sworne before vs mee, the
day and yeare first aboue written

Tho: Richardson

The said Examinant acknowledgeth to owe to the Common wealth of England the somme of 100 li. to be levied & by way of Recognizance
Condicion for his personall apperance before the high Court of Justice sitting at dublin (vppon notice given him) to testify his knowledge ([ore tenns]) on the behalfe of the Common wealth, against any of the persons before

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before in his Examinacion mencioned, and not to departe the said Court without license of the lord President
the marke of
Con [mark] Connor
Acknowledged before mee
Tho: Richardson

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The Exam: of Con
Conner of Castletown
& ffaghny mcLisagh
ffe rrell
[ ] Exam

I: I


Con Connor of
Castletowne Moylagh
in the County of Meath
his Examinacion touching
the massacre at
Longford, & the
murther of John Coffy
by Charles ffox prisoner

Examinacion Con Connor to
discover other witnesses
about the murther of
John Coffy.
and his wife touching
the murther of Hugh mc
Bryan fferrall by Capt

Deponent Fullname: Con Connor
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Edgworth, ffaghny mcffergus mcBryan fferrall, lisagh fferrall, Connock mc Rosse fferrall, Cahill oge fferrall, Lisagh mc Gerald fferrall, Rory mcGerald fferrall, * fferrall, Mulmore Rely, Murrogh mc Edm: fferrall, Connock Mc Rosse fferrall, ffaghny mc Lisagh fferrall, Charles ffox, Thomas Trafford, Thomas Allein, Raph Griffith, John Coffye
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Victim