Deposition of Timothy Pate
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:14 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
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Timothy Pate of Knocktomquill in the County of Wickloe <gent> sworne and examined sajth That about the xjth of November being the tyme that the Rebellion publiquely broke out in the County of Wickloe: Hee this deponent being an english Protestant was at Knocktomquill aforesaid by force and armes deprived robbed and dispoyled of howshold goodes & 16 of his Cowes worth ffo r Twoe hundred and fforty six powndes at least & had his bible first burned By the Rebells Brian mc Edmund Burne of the Monny in the said County a <A> Captain of Rebells and his 2 Brothers Edmund and Oliver Ga [ ] rald mc Edmund another of his brothers & a greate & noteable Comander amongst the Rebells Brian mc Cahire Burne a bloody and divellish Rebellll whoe then and there in high wordes of Comand sayd Take of the head of the Traytor (meaneing the Deponent) & give the whore his wiffe his bloud to drinck & then and there suddenly brought & forced this deponent to lay his head vpon a block & one of the bloody Crew struck <B> vizt one Bolgar of Knockloe in the same County Labourer struck twoe blowes at this deponentes neck with a broade ax: which blowes were defended & prevented by this deponentes wiffe and In revendg whereof the said Bolgar struck her with the hatchett vpon the belly she being great with Child (which putt her into much paine & affrightes: & after shee was brought a bedd the Child djed) And the deponent (as he this deponent is verely perswaded) hadd lost his head vpon that block But that one Simon <C> mc Hugh another Captain of Rebells then and there present (either moved with the Cryes of this deponentes said wiffe and his Children or how els drawne th he cannott tell tell
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tell Comanded the souldjer to hould his hand saying, I will take of his head my selfe: Howbeit he forbore to doe it and the deponent escaped with his Liffe And att that tyme & in the Commytting of that outrage & cruelty there were alsoe present and actors theis other Rebells vizt Cahir Boy Birne of Bllyrosnegoge in the said County gentleman & his followers: Murtagh Cavenagh of Ballinah & his followers: Henry <A> ô Neile late of Minmore in the same County: whoe with his followers alsoe forceibly robbed & tooke away from this deponent twoe hundreth [ ] halfe thraves of Corne & threatened to pistoll the deponent becawse he resisted them Owghny mc Murtogh Burne of Knocklowe a cheef Comander of Rebells Edmund ô Gormagan of Ardowne the deponentes Landlord whoe together with his followers forceibly entred vpon this deponentes farme: & still forceibly possesseth the same: & devowred with his swyne nere forty barrells of potatoes there being in the grownd worth 12 li. & burned the howses & fences of the deponente then and there beinge: And further saith that the said <B> Symon mc Hugh & his Company charged & alsoe exacted a promisse from this deponent that he would leave and come noe more at his this deponentes owne vse howse: Wherevpon the deponent was inforced to leaue the said howse & fly to the howse of one that was frend to the deponentes wiffe by name James M c C where he contynued vntill hee was sent for by Colonell Luke Birne: whoe seeing how he was vsed & pittyedg him becawse he was a distressed man: yet would not [ ] suffer him and his family to goe out of the Cuntrie becawse then (as hee said) they should bee murthered: Wherevpon the deponent and his said family wanting meanes to escape away stayd there vntill in the cuntry against his will (protected by the said luke Burne) and came to his howse againe ffrom whence the Rebells aforesaid forcibly tooke from him one hundred thirty seven of oxen C{owes}
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& horses of English breed worth above five hundred Powndes more, 300 english sheepe 60 swyne 100 of powltry at least, & at least 60 barrells of Potatoes all worth Cxl li. Corne 200 li. & the deponent was forced to sell some Corne worth 20 li. more to the rebelles John mc James of Knocknegilky in the said County of Wickloe <A> James mc Redmond Burne Captain of Rebelles Edmund ô Gormagan of Knocktomquill aforesaid Morrice mc Brian of & James mc B Phelim Birne of Rosbawne Colonell & John Birne now of Cashawe all Rebells And the deponent by meanes of the Rebellion hath lost & is deprived of in his improvementes buildings & proffitts of his farme the worth of 100 li. more: Soe as the deponentes wholle losses which he can now Remember (by meanes of the present Rebellion amount vnto the summ of one thowsand twoe hundred and eighteene powndes ster: And further saith that this deponent after hee with his wiffe and family had beene inforced to stay at his said howse for about one yere and a halfe, in great distresse and danger they & restraint of They at length were rescowed by the army Conducted by the Collonells Sir Michaell Earnly & Richard Gibson: & soe escaped to Dublin: But in the tyme of his the deponentes said restraint and stay at his howse hee privately send a message to Mr W Captain Walter Chambers & Captain George Greames at Catherloghe whereby he signifyd the distresse of himself & family: his dangers past & feared
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Desireing them to bee with him this deponent some morning by breake of day: and he would help them to a prey of Cattle conteyneing in number twoe hundred at the least And withall signifying vnto them them the true state of the Cuntry where hee was: which messinger (although shee came to them as the said Captaine Chambers confessed, yet did not (for feare of danger) returne back: But staid there nor was any thing more spoke of therein vntill the said Captain Chambers reveiled the said Message to the said Sir Michael Earnley & Colonell Gibson And <A> further saith That 2 divellish rebellious women of the Killelongworth in the County of Catherlagh murthered an Englishwoman and her sonn with by knocking them in the head with stones: notwithstanding they had a protection from the said Luke Birne to be in saffety: whose murthered persons the deponent (imployed one to bury) he not dareing to doe it himselfe And the deponent further sajth: That in the time that he was soe as aforesaid restrained att his howse and the places thereaboutes He observed & knew that theis parties herein hereafter mencioned were alsoe in open action of Rebellion & committed divers outrages and cruelties <B> vizt Garrett Burne of Knocklow now Governor of the Castle of Carnow: Henry mc Morrogh of the same his tennant
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1258Knockloe Shane mc Donough gentHue mc Doniell laborer
Dermott o Bolger yeomanDoniell o gormagan L
Donough mc Teige yeomanCormack mc morrough L
Henerie mc Morrough yeomanTeige mc Dermott L
<Knockloe> Donough mc Shane yeoman<D> Dainell mc Teige L
Donough o Kerne yeomanThomas mc william L
Hue mc Shane yeomanwilliam Duff L
Redmond bane yeomanJohn o Kerlan farmer
<A> Conner mc Teige yeomanDon mc fferrie farmer
Hhugh mc Shane yeoman
redmond bane yeomanKillinure
Conner mc Teige yeomanJames mc Teige farmer
Hue o folie yeomanPatrick o folie farmer
hue mc mortagh yeomanHenerie mc morrish farmer
Morta o fola yeomanMorrish mc John farmer
william wall yeomanDermott mc Davie farmer
Edmond mc mortagh yeoman<E> Patrick mc Shane farmer
Teig mc william yeomanHue mc morish farmer
Dermott mc Teige farmer
LiscolmanTeige o Cean farmer
Henerie mc william farmerwilliam mc Daniell farmer
Bryan mc Chaire aforenamedLaughlin mc Simon farmer
<B> Donough mc Chaire husbandmanredmond mc mortagh farmer
Donough mc John husbandman
walter [Cocininn] husbandman Monnye
Thomas Duff husbandmanTurly mc Edmond gentleman
Laughlin mc Dermott husbandmanDaniell mc Dermott f
Donough mc Hue husbandman<ff> william mc mealin f
morrish o Kenie f
ArdowneCullim mc Davie husbandman
Patrick mc Donough husbandmanDainell Boy husbandman
william boy laborer
<C> Bryan boy laborerAghowle
Turly boy laborerTeige mc Donough gentleman
Shane mc Donough laborerMelaughyn mc Hue f
<G> Turly mc owin f
redmond mc morrough fCaptain Olliver eustas gent
Owen mc Chaire gentleman
owen mc Keogh
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Donough o Kellie farmerRorie o garrain f
Captain Olliver Masterson<D> Turly o garrain f
Teige Weller [ ] husbandmanPatrick mc Donough f
Pearce o nealle f
Hue mc Donough Byrne gentleman Ballyealand
Donough mc Hue gentlemanDoinell mc breene Laborer
Dainell mc Teige fGaralt owre farmer
Simon mc Davie gentlemanDoinell o laler farmer
Shane bard hLaughlin o Bryn Sargeant
<A> Patrick mc Dainell f<B> william Benitt Laborer
Dainell mc Mortagh f<E> robertt o bleare farmer chopm{ }
Conley Kellie fPatrick Gaffny farmer
Henerie mc Patrick fTeige mc Hue Laborer
Philop mc Shane fMulshalin mc Thomas farmer
William mc Mortagh fmichell mc Thomas farmer
Chaire brin mc Patrick f
Patrick o Lynan fPartetowneL[eve]s mc Thomas fMollisha
Dainell mc Turly f Chaire mc Turly farmer
Cahire Byrne GentlemanShane To[nimn] farmer
Shane Gaffinye farmer
Monmore<ff> Donough mc Turly farmer
Hue mc Leaghlin fGefferie mc Gilpatrick f
Dainell mc Garratt f
<B> Morta mc Garrett gentleman [ Vere ] Ewre
Donough mc Garralt gentlemanPatrick mc william f
William Portis sadler<G> Owen mc Owen f
Doinell mc Owen f
Calensonsy<D> Hue mc Shane f
James mc Bryan farmerTeige boy f
Dermott mc morta fJames Gott f
Shane leagh fGarralt mc Davie f
Teige lauglin reagh fPatrick mc william mc Dern{ } f
redmond Murphie f
<C> Hue mc PhealimBullingatt
Philop more fCaptain Dainell Cavanagh
Christopher Doudell SargeantJohn mc James f
Hue Doune fJames mc Shane f
<100> Shane bane Sargeant<H> Dermott mc Morrough f
Hue o brin f
William mc Philipe f
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Richard Cavanagh milnerBalliraghin
william white fTeige mc Doinell [ ] a nay gentleman
Patrick mc Hue fTeige mc Edmond boy farmer
Knogher o Bryn fSharowne mc Dermott f
edmond mc Keron fTeige o D[inge] [ ] f
nickalous morran f<M> Patrick mc william f
Shane mc Dainell ffin fbryan mc Arte f
Donough o Nealle fEdmond mc Dermott f
Teige mc Philop fTeige mc Edmond Duff f
Edmond o Rorke fJames mc Gillpatrick byrne gentleman
Donnell mc Hue Duffe gentlemanPerce his sone g
James Byrne gentlemanMorrish Boy f
Teige reo Byrne gentleman
Patrick o doran LaborerBallinulta
Owen o Bryne gentTeige o Koyne f
Doinell mc Teige f
CarrickShane mc Doinell roe f
Cahire oge Byrne gentleman Shane mc Owen f
Laghlin o Sorry fPhilpoe Masterson brogemaker
<K> Dermott mc Thomas fMorrow mc william f
Hue mc Shane fMorrow mc Dermott f
Doinell mc Morrow fDermott mc william f
Patrick Capoe fwilliam Keogh f
Dermott mc Morrogho fShane mc Garrald Duff f
Cahir mc garrald Duff
Cooleboy Dermott mc art f
Morogho Doalle gentlemanHenrie o folie f
Edmond Shane bane fDermott mc Gillpatrick f
James mc Cahire farmerDermott mc Teige f
John mc walles taylorMorrish mc Ener f 200
<L> Morta mc Cahire fDermott o Cullane f
Morta mc Patrick fTeige mc Morrow f
Dermott mc walles f
Morrish o Dorrough fSeskin
Turly mc Morrow roe fGarralt mc James byrne gentleman
Rich: Gosse gentShane mc Gillpatrick f
Donough mc Hue farmer<O> Dermott mc Gillpatrick f
Garralt Duffe mc laughlin fMorrish mc Edmond f gentleman
Gilernow o higgin f
Davie mc Henerie fBallicallin
James mc Calte farte mc Chaire Byrne gentleman
Reull o Higgin f<P> Donough mc Chaire Birne his sonn whoe
Dainell Duffe f confessed to be in Dublin when the Castle
Morta mc Gillpatrick f shold have been betraied
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Chaire mc arte Birne another brother
Edmond mc art 3d Son [ ]
Teige mc Doinell Birne gentleman
Edmond o Cullane f
Morrow o ffullane f
Teige mc Patrick f
Gerratt mc James f
william Boy f
Cahire mc Gillpatrick f
<Q> william mc Dermott f
Knockpher mc Gillpatrick f
Gillpatrick mc Shane f
Owen mc Edmond
william mc Donough f
Shane mc morrow f
Edmond mc Shane gentleman
Shane mc Edmond his sone
<R> Cahire mc Teige Laborer
Donough mc Dermott f
Morrow mc Gillpatrick farmer 229
<Jur 6 Junij 1643 Mr St Mr Br>
Tymothy Pate
Jur 6o Junij 1643
Hen: Brereton
John Sterne
Wickloe { }
Timothy Pate Jur vjto
Intw hand w
11 No