Deposition of Constance Crawly
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:07 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 7r
Constance Crawly wife of Valentine Crawly late of Ballyduffe in the parish of clonmin Barony of Rathvilly and County of Catherlagh sworne & examined deposeth that since the presente Rebellion began her husband was Robbed of and Lost in Cattle to the valew of fifty five pound in Corne to the valew of thirty fower pound vj s. viij d. and arable in house hold goods worth sixe pounds by the hands of the Rebells James Birne of Raheen in the said parish and County together with his servants, and further this deponent saith that <A> Margaret wife to Gerat Comerford of the sayd Towne tould this deponent that the Queenes priest was hanged and therfor they (meaning the Irish) would be revenged, and that she this deponent should see such times as she never saw nor heard of, an d further this depo nent canot say<55-0-0
Constance [ mark] Crawly
her marke
Jurat Jan: 13tio 1641 coram nobis
Joh Watson
Roger Puttocke
fol. 7v
[ ] 6
Constance Crawley,
Com Catherlagh
Jur 13o Jan. 1641