Deposition of William Holmes
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:00 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 95r
<symbol> William Holmes of DowneRaile in the County of Corke gentleman duely examined before vs by vertue of &c Deposed and saieth that since the begininge of this Rebbellion hee Lost and was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followinge vizt worth 42 li. 4 s. part consisting in debts due fromOf Cowes and Chattles worth three pounds and seauen shillings ster taken and detained by Meolmurry Meol shenogge of Garranballibrien in the parish of Glenor and Counte of Corke nowe in Rebbellion And further saieth that the saide whi c h Meolmurry Meolshenogge is tooke the rest of his goods indebted vnto him by seuerall bills in fulle summe of thirtie seauen pound s and seauenteene shillings and three pence ster which hee verily beleeueth to bee Lost, the Totall summe amounts to ffortie two pounds fower shillings and three pence ster which is all that hee cann depose
Will Holmes
Jurat 26o die Maij
1642 Coram nobis
Tho: Bettesworth
Phil: Bisse
fol. 95v
The examination of
William Holmes