Deposition of Edward Harman
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
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Edward Harman of Tomard in the Countie of Catherlagh Esquire sworne and examined sayth That since the begining of the present Rebellion & by meanes thereof: He this deponent hath beene expelled from deprived, robbed or otherwise dispoyled of his goodes & Chattells of the values following vizt of beastes and cattle worth one hundreth fiftie five powndes: horses Mares and Coultes worth fiftie powndes Howshold stuff worth 40 li., and hath alsoe lost in debtes duly oweing vnto him by Ambrose Plunckett [ ] of Vrney in the same County Esquire & Edmund Power of Kildrinagh in the same County gents, whoe are both in Rebellion the sume of xliij li.
By James Knowles of Catherlagh gent, whoe is alsoe in Rebellion xx li. By William Mollally wh of Laughlin <A> in the said Countie gent whoe is also in Rebellion vj li. & for rentes due vnto him by the R seuerall of his english tennantes whoe the Rebells have robbed stripped & disabled to make him satisfaccon the some of three score poundes
And this deponent hath already lost in the Rentes and proffittes of his freehold landes & farmes the value of one hundreth powndes: & is like to be deprived of and loose the future proffits thereof vntill a peace be established, and that theis landes come to their former value, they being when the Rebellion began worth one hundreth powndes per annum. Soe that his whole losses by meanes of the Rebellion already susteined (besides those in future) doe amount to the sume of fowre hundreth sixtie fowre powndes ster And further sayth that Mary Harman widow this deponents mother, is & hath beene by the Rebells expelled deprived and dispoyled of her farme & growndes wherein she hath an estate for liffe
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for her Jointure [with] and lying within the Countie of Catherlagh worth 200 li. per annum whereof she hath already lost one yeres value as he conceiveth worth 200 li., & she is like to loose the future proffittes thereof of the yerely value aforesaid vntill a peace be setled & that those landes come to their former value if she live soe long: & that the said Mary his mother since the Rebellion began: hath beene by meanes of the Rebellion deprived robbed or otherwise dispoyled of her other goodes & chattells vizt Corne Cattle horses sheepe howshold stuff and other provition and thinges worth twoe hundreth powndes att least And this deponent further saith that as he hath <B> beene informed from some of the Rebells that were taken prisoners [ ] by [ ] that Walter Bagnall of Dunleckny Esquire & in the same County Sir Morgan Cavenaghe of in the same Countie knighte Murtogh oge Cavenagh of Castletowne in the same Countie Esquire Tho: Davells of Ballahide in the queenes county Esquire & Dallaghe รด Birne of Kilcoole in the same Countie gent: & their complicees & Confederates were the principall Rebells that soe deprived Robbed & dispoyled him this deponent and his said mother And his deponent is verely perswaded that all the freeholders & farmers of the said County of Catherlagh that are not thence fledd but reside still in the Countie saveing Sir Tho: Butler & his lady & Brian Cavenagh Esquire & some few of th Sir Tho: Butlers family are actors in the presente Rebellion And this deponent alsoe further sayth that on or about the xxvijth day of December last 1641 which was since the Rebellion began this deponent Received a letter from the said Walter Bagnall of Dunleckny Esquire Edmund Wall of Ruffland Esquire Ambrose Plunkett of Vrney Esquire 3 of his Maiesties justices of the peace of that County Edward Wall of Ballinekill Esquire Robert Evers of Cloghnah gen Morrice Kavenagh of Park
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<C> gent Brian Birne of Ouldtowne gentleman & Dallaghe Bride of Kilbryde gentleman all of the same Countie of Catherlagh: which letter followeth in theis wordes vizt Mr Edward Harman the gentrie of the Countie haveing mett here this day desire to parly with you which to effect we shall desire your speedy Answere & that if you dowbt of your safftie: you shall have hostage vntill the saffe retorne of either In the meane lett there be a Sessation of armes Soe in the meane, wee remaine your well wishers Walter Bagnall Edmund Wall Ambrose Plunkett Edward Wall Robert Evers Morrice Cavenaghe Brjan Birne Dallagh Birnes mark: Wherevpon this deponent being the day following in the Castle of Catherlagh (whereof he then was left governor) with three others in his Companie Mett the said Ambrose Plunckett Edward Wall Brian Kavenaghe & one Lawrence Magoghagan a fryer within halfe Muskett shott of that Castle & parlied with them Att which tyme the said Ambrose Plunkett vttered and expressed to this deponent theis words vizt this same busines (meaneing the present insurreccion) hath beene in agitacon theis three yeres & that now by the unanimous consent of the Nobility & gentrie of the kingdome this warr was raised And that the reason of it was the Iminent dangers which were threatend against them by the English but especially by the Scotts for their Religion: and their purpose and desire was to goe on in a faire way which they hadd done If their designe of takeing of the Castle of Dublin hadd taken effect. But notwithstanding that that fayled: yet they would not show themselues greedy of bloud: but that if this deponent and the rest of the Castle would accept of Surrender that hould they should have faire quarter and
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libertie and a strong Convoy to the sea syde But further offering that if this deponent wold surrender the said Castle then he for his part shold have all his goodes restored to him againe & freedome to repossesse and enioy his for landes & groundes that he formerly hadd: R or to that effect But this deponente both [ ] hateing & contempning their treacherous offer refused and scornfully rejected the same & retyred to the Castle. Wherevpon [ ] the Rebells (haveing for 2 dayes before beseeged that Cast Castle & gained & overcome the towne contynued their seige vntill Wednesday next before Ester Last that the kings army Marcheding thither & then the Rebells burned the towne & fled away and yet about 50 or 60 were slaine by the English army <D >And this deponent further saith that depending the seige of the said Castle one Theobald Butler of Dugginstown{e} in the same County gentleman a Captain amongst the rebells sent & cowsed to be deliuered a letter vnder his owne hand to this deponent The wordes whereof follow vizt Noble Sir My Cozen Davell sent mee word to acquaint you that he hath your nurse & chyld in restraint, & if you doe not releas James Birne alsoe to cawse his people which are in restrainte at Cloghgrenan together with his boate & goodes to bee restored before tenn of the clock on Munday that he will putt both chyld and nurse to death Expecting your speedie answere I rest: your humble servant Theobald Butler Catherlaghe this present Saturda{y} Indorsed thus: ffor my very loveing & much respected frend Edward Harman Esquire this at the Castle, The bearer of your answere needes not feare soe her come within twoe howres: vnto which letter this deponent the same day vizt the xvth of January last 1641: this deponent
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in answere to that letter thus answered in writing vizt Sir vpon the first apprehension of James Birne I intimated his qualitie vnto the state and vntill such tyme I receive their Comandes (vnto which I doe and must subject my self and my accions) I may not without hazard of my liffe, sett him at libertie And as for Mr Davells servantes and goodes that are at Cloghgrenan I haue not that power as either to Comand or perswade for them And as for the hanging of my nurse & chyld (If it be the tenure of your Catholique [ ] cawse) It will make mee soe much the more out of love with your holines: & rest Confident that god will Right the cawse of your assured loveing frend Edward Harman Catherlagh the 15th January 1641 Since which tyme becawse of that the this deponentes answere & the not inlarging of the said Birne the Rebells have either hanged or starved this deponentes child, the nurse since confessing it was dead, and this deponent cawsed the said Birne to be hanged Whoe was a most notorious & active Rebell and taken in action by the kinges souldjers of the said Castle
Edward Harman
Jur 7o July 1642
Hen: Brereton
John Sterne
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Edward Harman Esquire
Jur 7o July 1642
2 Certs fact