Deposition of Nicholas Wilkins
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:36 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 92r
Nicholas Wilkins late of Cloniscarph within the parish of Hackettstowne Clonemore in the County of Catherlogh whittawer and now Souldier vnder the Comand of Captain Thomas Armstrong sworn and examined deposeth and saith that by meanes of this present rebellion he is expelled deprived and otherwise lost the seuerall goods as followeth (vizt)
<1> The sayd Nicholas Wilkins hath lost and disposs been disployed in leather skins and wooll to the value and worth of fifteen pounds sterling or therabouts all which sayd leather skins and wooll was taken away vyolently about the sixt of No u ember last 1641 by James O Knae yeoman and John Mc Owen both of Cloniscarph with diuers others of the County afforesaid whose names he knows not
<2> And hath also taken away in houshold goods in parrell in firing and garden stuffe to the value & worth of fiue and thirty pounds sterling or therabouts all which was taken away at the time aforesaid by the parties aforesaid and Patrick Corkeran of Cloniscarph with diurs others
<3> and hath [taken away] lost one hors worth fifty shillings or thereabouts by the partyes afforesaid
And hath also taken away lost in debts due to the deponent the debtors being Robed and spoyled and gon not able any way to mak satisfaction one Hundred poundes
152 li. 10 s.
Nicholas Wilkins
Jur 30o Marcy 1643
Joh Watson
Edw Pigott
fol. 92v
fol. 93r
fol. 93v
Catherlagh 0
Nicholas Wilkins
Jur 30o Marcy 1643
Cert fact
6 Nov