Deposition of Peter Pinchon

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:39 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-04-16
Identifier: 812200r167


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Carlow & Killkenny
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping
Commissioners: William Aldrich, William Hitchcock
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 200r

The Information of Peter Pinchon of Glanmagone in the parishe of Castle Comber in the Barrony of ffassa and Dyninge in the County of Kilkennye this 14th of Aprill 1642: who beinge dulye sworne and examined deposeth as followeth vidzt
That about the 26th of November 1641: this deponent at Glanmagone aforsaid had forceibly taken awaye by the Rebbells sept of the Brenans and <A> Butlers of Idogh and the Byrnes and Kavanaghs of the Countye of Catherlaugh they beinge in number about 500 men & all rebells from of the land of Glanmagone in Cattle to the value of 70 li. ster, in houshould stuffe wareinge apparrell and other goodes to the value of 42 li. and further saith that by the present Rebellion he hath lost in due debtes in debtes beinge desperat beinge due by vppon English men that have bine Robbed 14 li. 1 s. 7 d.; which saide and saith the said Rebells came forceably with gunnes pikes swordes and skaines to the house of this deponent and stripped this deponents wiffe of all hir clothes onely hir smock left vppon hir and soe was constrained to goe in frost and snowe vntill she came to Kilkennye: and But before that time this deponent hearinge of the Rebellion which was in other places, fearinge the worst, sent to Kilkennye a day before the Rebbells came 4 oxen and their killed them for his releife and made vpp 2 hogges heades of beife price 4 li. 10 s. and sett them in the house of Robert Creswicke, and after he was Robbed tooke a Chamber in Kilkennye thinkinge it to be a very safe place; but about the 18th of dec: the gates of the saide Cittye ( which were formerly kept shut with watch and ward) was eithe r by comand or neglect of Mr Arche r the Maior that daye left open for the Rebbells to enter and the saide Cittye & was Rifled & robbed of all protestantes goodes; by Edward Butl{er} sonne of the Lord Mountgarrat Garrat Blanchfeild sonne and heire to Sir Edmond Blanchfeild Phillip Purcell of in the same County Esquire Esquire one Captaine Bryan with divers other{s} <B> which was done as this deponent thinketh by the allowance and approbation of the Lord Mountgarrat he being then in Towne whereby this deponent lost & was robbed of his saide 2 hoggsheads of beife with some other smale thinges; and he and his wife was were constrained to flye to the Earle of Ormonds Castle for succour and after 5 dayes rest there they & all the protestantes were Constrained to leave the Cittye of Kilkennye, and were brought by Edward Butler sonne of the Lord Mountgarrat to travaile towardes Waterfford who vndertooke to be their Convoye and to bringe them safe thither and he Receiued for his paines xxv li.
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<C> But when he & they came to Knocktover he then deliuered them over to the Chardge of one Collonell Peirs Butler to be Conveyed to Waterfford afore saide; who when he came to the ferry at Waterfford suffered his companie to turne backe againe and as many as were behinde which were about 10 or 12 were they stripped out of their clothes and this deponent and his wife beinge behinde were againe Robbed by the saide Companie whoe [ ] vndertooke to convey vs safe thither; and allsoe the saide Collonell furthur <vndertooke> that night, that if any man had any monye, he would keepe it safe for him vntill the next morninge and that they should have their monye againe restored but as soone as the had gotten it, he kept it and made noe restitution of any mans monye backe again and & tooke awaye all the weapons that he found with any man in our companye; afterwardes we were not admitted to come into the Cittye of Waterfford but were put into wast houses with out the gates vntill we were put a shippboard and soe on their way thither were garded through the Towne like malefactors and by a contrary winde were put into Youghall where this deponent his wife and familye hath have remained vntill this tyme beinge in great want and miserie; all which saide losses amounteth to the value of 130 li. 11 s. 7 d. besydes the losse and hinderanc{e} that hath bine and shallbe suffered by this deponent & his said wiffe & children
Peter Pynchoy
Jur 16 April 1642
William Hitchcocke
William Aldrich

[Endorsement on

fol. 201v


Deponent Fullname: Peter Pinchon
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Kilkenny
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Edward Butl{er}, Garrat Blanchfeild, Phillip Purcell, Captaine Bryan, Peirs Butler, Robert Creswicke, Lord Mountgarrat, Sir Edmond Blanchfeild, Earle of Ormond
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned