Deposition of Thomas Leigh
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 05:07 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 223r
Thomas Leigh of Killedowan in the Countie of Kildare gent duely swoarne deposeth:
That by meanes of this rebellion he hath sustained theis Losses & betweene the xxiijth of November and the Last day of December Last past was robbed & dispoyled of the goods & chattles be hereafter expressed viztInprimis In Corne, Chattle, hay,
and houshould goods the somme of --------------------------CClx li. sterItem in Leases of Land and Tieths for
manie yeares yet to come and Morgages --------------------iiijC li. ster
Item in Debtes some Debtors turninge
rebells, others disabled by the rebellion
the somme of ----------------------------------------------------CCCxlv li. st.Item in seuerall offices of the Clerkship
of the [peace?] in three Counties, deputie
Clerke of the Crowne in ffive Counties
and one Cittie, and deputie Clerke of
the Pipe of his Maiesties Courte of exchequer
frome which for the present he is expeld
the yearly some of ---------------------------------------------CC li. stItem in ffreehould frome which he
is likwise expeld the yearly valew of -----------------------iiijxx xj li. ster
Somma totalis --------------------------------1296 li. ster
The said Thomas Leigh further deposeth, that he is Credibly enformed by his servant (one Richard Rowen <A> that he was dispoild of all or the most parte of the said Chattle and goods by the meanes of Dennes Cavenag{h} of Clane, William fitz garrald of Blackhale esquire Marks Nangle of Ardrass gent and diuers others of his neighbours all within the foresaid Countie and vnknowe{n} to this deponent, And further deposeth not,
Tho: Leigh
Jurat: Jan: 19 1641
Coram nobis.
John Watson
Hen: Brereton
fol. 223v
23 Tho: Leighe Comitat
Kildare Jur 20 Jan:
23 no
good [ ]