Deposition of Ellinor Lee
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 224r
Ellinor Lee late of Tartooe within the Barronye of Saults and Countie of Kildare widdowe a Brittish protestant beeing duly sworne and examyned deposeth
That on or about the 8th daie of November last past, the said Ellinor was robbd at her ffarme called Ballyadock in the Countie of Wicklowe by the Irish Rebells (ouer whome as shee hath bin credibly informed) one of the Burnes was cheife Captaine and hath receaued dammage and losse thereby as followeth vzt
li. s. d.
In Cattle -------------------------------006-00-00
In Hey ---------------------------------020-00-00
In Howsehould goods ---------------005-00-00
In Leases ------------------------------030-00-00
061 -00-00
And the said Ellinor further deposeth that on or about the first of December last past and on the 4th of December following in the night tyme and diuers tymes since her howse at Tartooe in the Countie of Kildare was broken vpp by the Rebells that kept Garrison thereabout, and shee lost out of her said howse and grounds thereto adioyning theise particulars following to the value
li. s. d.
In Cattle -------------------------------172-00-00
In Horses ------------------------------051-00-00
In Beanes ------------------------------003-04-00
In Hey ---------------------------------007-00-00
In Howsehould goods ---------------075-00-00
In Leases ------------------------------030-00-00
In Mault reddy made ----------------043-06-08
In Corne on the ground -------------004-10-00
386 li.-00 s.-08 d.
And the said Ellinor further deposeth that shee hath lost by meanes of this wicked Rebellion in iust and propper debts by Bills
bonds and private contracts ---------115-02-06
Amounting in the whole vnto ------562 li.-03 s.-02 d.
<A> And the said Ellinor further saieth, that shee hath bin credibly informed by one Margaret Higginson (who was then Liveing in Tartooe when her said howse was robbd), and Roger Barnes that was carryed away with the said Rebells, That George Welsh of Paynstowne in the Countie of Kildare, and one Shanacan Rochford of Kilbride in the Countie of Meath and oneHussey of Moylhussy in the Countie of Meath were present at the said robberie, and were Captaines ouer the said Rebells: And that one Alexander Linch a kinsman of William Rochfords of the Larras, & one Moore a brother in lawe vnto the said William Rochford that liued in Lucan were likwise Actors in the said robbery & Rebellion
< [Intrtr] 28o ffebruarij 1642 jurat 28 ffebr: 1641 Roger Puttocke>
The marke [mark] of Ellenor Lee
jurat ffebr: 28: 1641
Randall Adams
Roger Puttocke
fol. 224v