Deposition of Patricke Gosson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:39 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 250r
Patricke Gosson of the Naas gent in the Countie of Kildare gent: being duely sworne saith, That vpon the 24th of nov: last betweene 6 and 11 in the morning hee this deponent was robbed and dispoyled by the Rebells h of his goods & hereafter mencioned vizt. In Cattell to the value of 89 li.- 15 s. In Corne – 310 li. - 10 s. In housholdstuffe – 137 li. In money – 6 li. In debts 210 li. In leases – 140 li. In all amountinge to the summe of 893 li. or thereabouts. By or by the meanes of theis Rebels hereaf hereafter mencioned vzt. Gilbert Talbot C a Collonell Rebell brother vnto Sir Robert Talbot knight & Baronet of Castle Talbot in the Countie of Wickloe, Tho Scurlocke another Collonell Rebell sonne to mr Scurlocke of Rathcredan in the Countie of Dublin. Anthony mc Donnell a Capt Rep Rebell of Tullfaris in the Countie of wickloe, Walter mc Donnell a Capt: Rebell of the same Dudley mc Donnell a Capt: Rebell of Humfreys towne in the Countie of wickloe. Edmund mc Donnell Ballogh of Booystowne in the same Countie a notorious Comaunder of the Rebels. James mc Donnell Brenavallagh of the same another Commaunder. Jennekin Armestronge of Burgage in the Com of Dublin gentleman a Cheife Rebell. John Ewstace of Craddockstowne in Com Kildare a very pernitious Rebell And further saith that All these Rebells gaue forth that they were the Queens soldiers and said they had a Commission from the King for what they did. And further this deponent saith That (as hee is informed divers protestants are turned papists vizt Edward Cromwell of the Naas Carpenter & Jane his wife John Palmer a Glover of the Naas Jeane Joane Daly wife of Robert Daly of the Naas gent: by reason of the meanaces & delusions of the Rebells. And that Tho: Sherlocke Soueraigne of the Naas (as the deponent is informed) tooke away the protestants goods at the Naas. And that Phillip fflood of the Naas lately turned papist is now a Capt: with the Rebells: Alsoe James ffitzgerald of Blackhall in the Countie of Kildare Leivetenant Rebell to Capt: Morrice ffitzgerald of Allon in the county of Kildare a great Rebell. Tho: Wogan is auntient to Capt: ffitzgerald sonne to Tho. Wogan of downings gentleman in the Countie of Kildare. And Luke Sutton of the Naas a rebell soldier vnder Capt. Tho: Scurlock. Richard Sutton of Tippar in Com Kildare Leivetenant Rebell to the same Capt: Scurlocke. The aboue named James ffitzGerald leftenannt, willfully run away to the rebells with his Maiesties armes for an 100 men.
Patrick Gosson
jurat 20. Jan: 1641
Roger Puttocke
Joh Watson:
In Cattle 8
fol. 250v
[19]Patrick Gosson Kildare
Jur 20o Jan: 1641
Wickloe 24 no
+Patricke Gosson Com
Jur 20o Jan 1641