Deposition of Thomas Nevell
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:40 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 179r
Thomas Neuell Late of Ballincurrigg in the parish of Saint finbari e s in the Com of the Citye of Corke Esquire a brittish protestant as it duely sworne & examined before vs. By vertue of his maiestyes Commission etc deposeth and sayth that on or aboute Lamas Last and diuers tymes synce the begining of this present rebellion in Ireland he Lost was Robbed & fforceably dyspoild of his goods and Chattles to there seuerall values following viz { t } worth 536 li. & lost in debts 550 li. 36 d. a great part whereof due from the vndername partiesOf Cowes heiffers Steers horses and sheepe to the value of one hundred < seaven > ty six pounds hundred seaunty six pownds. Of Corne in haggard to the value of ten pounds also he sayth by meanes of this Rebelion he hath Lost the benifitt of the Lease of Ballincorrigg and the Lands adiacent wherin he had a tearme of eighteene yeares to Com e worth Communibus annis ouer & aboue the Landlords Rent threscor{e} pounds per annum wherin he Is damnified to the value of three hundred pounds a lso of another Lease of the Oe coming from the deane and Chapter of saint finbaries Corke which he Could neuer yett enioy wherin he is damnified his fyne which is the sume of fiftye pounds Of debts to the sume of fiue hundred fiftye pounds three shillings and six pence which ere this Rebellion were esteemed good debts but now become desperratt by reason some of the debtors are impouerished protestants such as James Grace, William Greene Sanders Webber Cha rles James Thomas Banckes Clar William Daunt ffraunces Butterfield Edward Joanes Clarke George Bostocke Cristofor Cottor Edward Lasells and William Browne and som others impouerished papists such as Owen O Daly of Douglas gentleman James murragh of the ac and William Mathews of the citty of Corke merchants Walter Gould, & ffra u ncis Martell of the same M e rchants: Tho: Skiddy of the same gentleman and Morrice Mullane of the same Broagmaker; Dermod O Skannell of William Mc Thomas, Charls Carty, Garret Cushin, all of Balle nur[ ] in the County of the Citty of Corke husbandman and the rest out in actuall rebellion, as Dermod O Connell, of & John ffitz William Welsh, and Dauid Mc shane O Mohowny of St ffinBarryes husb: John O cunnohun and William Mc Thomas of Mwelane of the same husb: therefore this deponent cannot get any satisfaccion from any of them, the totall of his losses amounts to the value of one thousand eighty six pownds, three shillings six pence / he sayth he was robd by the rebbells whose names he cannot depose, and farther he deposeth not.
Thomas Nevill
Jurat coram nob: 4o 9bris
Phil: Bisse
Richard ffrench
fol. 179v
Tho: Neuills Examination