Deposition of John Slade
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:00 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 187r
John Sladd Slade of Ballyrishine of the parish of Kilbrin and Baronie of Duhalla in the Countie of Corke yeoman (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertu e of &c. deposeth and saieth That on or aboute the first day of ffebruarie Last and since the begininge of this present rebellion in Ireland hee was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall vallues followinge vizt value of 136 li.-13 s.-4 d. part consistingOf Cattell as Cowes heffers and Mares to the value of fifteene pounds thirteen e shillings and fower pence Of houshould stuffe to the value of ten pounds sterlinge. Hee further saieth that the parties hereafter named are indebted to this deponent in the summe of one hundred and eleuen pounds ster. vizt of debts due from The Ladie Doweger of Kiery whose a papist. Teig o sherly yeoman Dermod o Sherly yeoman and Mortogh o Connell ye a man & Donough Odough; of Ardfert in the county of Kerry all in rebellion and others Rebells whose names hee doth nott now remember by reason that his writeings are taken away by Rebbells hereafter named. the parties indebted are All which are nowe in actuall rebellion therefore the deponent doth verily beleeue he cannott gett satisfaction from them, The totall summe <of his losses> amoun t s to one hundred thirtie and six pounds thirteene shillings and fower pence ster. Hee likewise saieth that his goods and writeings were taken away aboute the time aboue mencioned by Dermod o Carty o Callaghane alias mc Donnogh gent Donogh o Callaghane of Clonenine gent Teige mc Cartie of Kilivary gent their tenants & followers Hee Lastly saieth that his howse beinge assaulted Late att night by the saide Teige mc Cartie hee which tooke one of his children and broke his Arme, searchinge withall with for a rope to hange this deponent and gaue this deponent two or three seuerall wounds wher and further hee cannott depose. besids that he sayth that the sayd deponents wife being nere her time of deliuery, was stript fower, or fiue times, & imprisoned by the rebells in those parts.
John [mark] Slade his marke
Jurat coram nobis 30 Maij
Phil: Bisse Tho: Bettesworth
Ric: Williamson
fol. 187v
The Examinacion of John