Deposition of John Helliar
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:30 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 259r
John Helliar of LaraghBrian in the Barronie of Salt a{nd} County of Kildare duly sworne saieth, that on or about the twentieth day of december last, he was at Laraghbrian aforesaid robbed. and dispoyled of his goods to the vallues following (vizt) In house and garden to the vallue of iij li. sterling In houshold goods to the vallue of iij li., In money debts & dutyes belonging to him to the vallue of v li. for one yere In leases of lands to the vallue of xij li. sterling, all amounting to the Summe of xxiij li. By meanes of theis Rebells who with most rigerous & violent manner intended to murder this deponent (as he verily beleeveth) by reason he was <A> Clerke of the parish and thretning to cutt him in as small peeces as there were leaues in the Common prayer booke This deponent further saieth that he knowes the names of some of the Rebells to be as followeth (vizt) John Brian and his Sonne now or late of the parrish of Kilcock husbandmen with his Confederats being about 30ty dwelling in the parish of Maglare in the County of [ ] Meath and that the Constable of LaraghBrian whose name is John More and Nicholas Maddock of the same husbandman were Spectetors of this Robbery they being adioyning Neighbours.
{J}ur xijo Jan: 1641 coram
John Sterne
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 259v
Jur xijo Jan 1641