Deposition of William Harrison
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:40 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 268r
William Harrison of the Bridge Bridge of Clonard Inholder: in the parish, & baronie of Karberie, within the Count of Kildttee Kildare a Brytish protestant being duely sworne, testifieth saith
That on the 30th of November & on the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. & 6th of December last, about 9 of the Clocke, in of the Morning, & 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 & 12 of the Clock at night, of the said daies, hee this Deponent was robbed & dispoiled & lost by the Rebells att Clonard aforesaid
In Corne & hay -------------------------------- 60 li.
In Cowes 100: valew -------------------------240 li.
In Malt 7 barrells ----------------------------- 6 li.
In horses & mares ----------------------------130 li.
In household goods --------------------------120 li.
In provision for the Kitchin ----------------- 10 li.
In Sheepe -------------------------------------- 20 li.
In Leasses, houses & ditching --------------190 li.
In Aquavitae, wine, & beere ---------------- 20 li.
<A> In Arrearages of of Rent -------------- 40 li.
In Bonds & specialties ----------------------- 26 li.In all amoun t ing to the summe of -----------936 li. <300-00-00
All which was taken by the meanes, & hands of the Rebells [ ]{ } vizt Tho: Ash of Moyvalley & his Tenants & people & Edmund Brymnigam his Tenants of Ballanadrumney & Moris Lynagh of Cornemuckelogh.
Donagh o Heyvie of Maypedder: &
mr Brymnigam of the Grange gent & his people in brimnigams Country
Gerrott o Quilley of Moilrugg
Pattrick wize of Meypodder
& his people
fol. 268v
<B> Tho: Murphey alias Cobler of the same:
Cahill o Hevie of the same
Edmund ffitzgarrott of ballinlugg
mr Robert Lynch of Croboy his two soones
Walter Darcie Alekeeper at Clonard & his brother Sampson ffoxe de ead: Pierse Conragh: Myrtogh o Ralon, Connor mc Ward de ead:
Tegg o Sourt de Rillragh murrey
Walter Cavanagh de ead, Donagh o Mooney de ead
<C> George ffay & Pattrick Gerrott of Ballanabarney
their wiffes: John Lynch de Bunglasse
<John Harrison further examined 2o Apr 1642 saith> And further saith That when this deponent came from his said howse at Clanwie bridg vizt aboute 3 weeks before christmas last he e <left in trust with Sir Luke ffitzgarrald of Terroghan in the County of Meath knighte hadd in> his custody by this deponents deliuery about 20 Cowes & heffers of this deponents worth 40 li. more & as much plate as worth <vij li. & xxvj li. in ready vpon mony and howsholdgoods worth Lx li. vpon his promisse to send the mony & plate to him to Dublin> & either keepe the Cattle & other goods & some other cattle of the deponents c ont about 30 which he tooke from the Rebells worth 80 li. being <of the 100 Cattle aforesaid, or otherwise to pay him for them: Soe that the goods left within him besides> the 30 cattle came to Cxxxiij li. ster Soe as this deponents whole losses amount 969 li. -00-00 But <the said Sir Luke ffitzgarrald forceibly & Iniustly keepes them from him: and is in Rebellion as this deponent hath heard: whereby this deponent is affrayd to loose the same goodes Soe as this deponents whole losse by meanes of the said rebelljon cometh vnto the Summe of Nyne hundreth sixty nyne pownds ster> And the foresaid trayterous actions Robberie Outrages. & Violenc & were done & committed against this deponent & others his <936 li.-0-0> ffamilie &c as aforesaid:
Signum [ ] [mark] William Harrison
Jur 3o Januarij 1641
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich
Beinge demanded what imployment he will putt himselfe vpon Hee sayth that he resolveth to be for his Maiesties service: & in the meane time to imploy himself in his trade of a Taylor
fol. 269r
fol. 269v
William Harrison: Com Kildare
Jur iijo Jan: 1641
Cert fact
30. No
1 [ ] +