Examination of William Stafford re John Deuerux

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=818272r252] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:48 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-12-28
Identifier: 818272r252


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wexford
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Assault, Death, Multiple Killing, Confederacy
Commissioners: B Hussey, Edward Withey
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 272r

The examinacion of William Stafford gentleman taken on behalfe of the comonwealth concerning John Deuerux of Mountpill in the County of wexford esquire
<To the 1st interro:> This deponent saith that the said John in the first yeere of the warr did liue at Mountpill and sometime since then the Irish quarters and saith that the said John might haue remoued himselfe into the <a> English quarters as many did but not without danger of the loss of his estate as this deponent Conceaueth,:
<To the 2nd interro:> He cannot Depose
<To the 3d interro:> This deponent saith that the said John did actuallye Contribute and was, in Armes against the english the first yeare of the warr the cause of this deponents knowledge is in that this deponent was present when the said John did with others <b> contract with the Irish for a certaine sume of money (vitz), fowere hundred pounds to take in the garrison of Tenteron then kept by the English which was accordingly performed by him the said John and others in the said first yeare,:
<To the 4th interro:> This deponent saith that the said John Deuerux did act [ ] and abett as a member of the Irish militia the said first yeare of the warrs in the month of July that yeare and that the said John did Sumon the garrison of Tinterne the said first <c> yeare being as the deponent conceaueth the comander in cheife of that partye which beseiged the said garrison of Tinterne and that the said John Deuerux was at the Hooke when and where part of the english was killd and Leiuftenant Esmond taken the cause of this deponents knowledge is for that the said John Deuerux told the deponent that he the said Deuerux was there and shewed the deponent a wound which the said Deuerux had receiued vnder his brest at the Skirmish of the Hooke,

fol. 272v

<To the 5th interro:> The deponent saith that the said John Deuerux was present at seuerall publique meetings of the Irish the said first yeare of the warr for the defending the Country against the English the <d> his cause of knowledge is that this deponent hath seene the said John Deuerux at Seuerall meetings as aforesaid the said first yeare and sithince with the County councel,:
<To the 6th interro:> The deponent saith that the said John Deuerux was the said first yeare of the warrs a member of the county councell in the county of wexford the cause of the deponents knowledge is for that <e> the deponent being clerke to the said councell did see the said Deuerux act in that capacitye seuerall times,:
<To the 7th interro:> The deponent saith that he verily beleaueth the said Deuerux did subscribe to the oath of association being a <f> generall thing imposed on the gentry of the whole Country,
<To the 8th interro:> Hee Cannot depose
<To the 9th interro:> The examinant deposeth that the said Deuerux was some part of the first yeare a member of the county councell as aforesaid and afterwards acted <g> as corparall of the feild to Preston at his seige against Duncanon and else where & sithince Collonel of the county forces or trainband in the County of wexford
<To the 10th interro:> He Cannot Depose
<To the 11th interro> The deponent cannot depose
<To the 12th interro:> The deponent cannot say anything
<To the 13th interro:> The examinant saith that the said Deuerux was the said first yeare of the warrs present at the hall of the Hooke when and where seuerall of the english <h> were killed the said Deuerux haueing tould the deponent thereof As in the deponents answere to the 4th interro: is more plainlye set forth and cannot depose &c
Wm Stafford

fol. 273r

Sworne the 28
December 1653
B Hussey
Edward withee

fol. 273v

Jo: Deuereux Mountpill faire

Deponent Fullname: William Stafford
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Wexford
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Deuerux, Leiuftenant Esmond, * Preston
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Victim, Mentioned