Deposition of John Farneham
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:41 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 204r
John ffarneham Late of ballyknocke in the County of Corke gent, [ ] hath taken his oath vppon the holy Evangelist that since the Last insurreccion and rebbelion in this Kingdom in Ireland he is dampnified by meanes thereof in goods and Cattle theis particulars followinge, (that is to say)
Inprimis in horses mares and Coults and Cowes to the valewe of ----- xx li.
Item loste in one Lease which I hold held from Thomas fiz Gerrald and James fiz Gerrald Esquires of Rostellane, vppon twoe half ploughlands. thone called ballcunnocke and thother called Coolragh, for the terme of ffowrscore yeares yet to come. over and aboue the landlords rent the some of lij li. per Annum which amounteth to ----- [ ] [45] li.
in which being well Improued in Building and fencings the Some of Sixe hundred and fifty pownds the totall of his Losses Amounts to the some of six hundred threeskore and tenn pounds and that by the Meanes. of the Rebells in those parts whose Names hee knoweth not and further hee Cannot depose.
John Farneham senior
Jurat Coram Nobis
27o Junij 1642
Tho: Badnedge
Phil: Bisse.
fol. 204v
John ffarnham senior
his Examinacion
mr John farneham
his greevances to his
Maiesties Comissioners