Deposition of Mathew Phillips
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:01 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 329r
Mathew Phillips Late of Scurlockstowne in the County of Kildare duly sworne & examined deposeth That on or about the second daie of September last past hee was robbed and dispoiled or otherwise deprived of his goods chattles and otherwise to the values following vizt of goods and ready money worth three and fortie pounds and tenn shillings, of hay worth thirtie poundes of turfe & garden fruites worth three poundes and sixteene shillings of horses Cowes and other cattles worth thirtie and fower pounds of the Lease of a parcell of ground in the parish of Scurlockstown aforesaid for which hee paid fortie and five poundes at May day Last So that the totall of his Losses by meanes of this present rebellion in Ireland amounteth vnto an hundred fiftie and sixe pounds and sixe shillings ster But by which of the rebells in that County hee was soe robbed hee cannott Learne in regard hee was robbed in the night time & forced to fly to dublin for refuge
<93 10
3 16
signum predicti [mark] Mathei Phillipps
Jur 9o Martij 1642
John SterneWilliam ffarellWilliam Hitchcocke
fol. 329v
Mathew Phillips
Jur 2o Aprilis 1642