Deposition of Jane of Price
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 330r
Jane the wife of owen Price Late of Laraghbrien in the County of Kildare sworne and examined sayth, That on or about the xxiijth of december Last her said husband flying for safftie of his lyffe from Laraghbrian aforesaid towards dublin was vpon the way sett vpon by thirtie or ffortie: Rebells whoe tooke from him seven milch Cowes worth iij li. x s. a p e ece his fowling peece muskett, and sword worth iiij li.: & xxxj li. in ready money: & hardly yet with much difficultie escaped from them And further sayth that when her said husband came away from Laraghbrien aforesaid Hee and she this deponent Left behynd them in and vpon their farme there (whereon they hadd bestowed in building & improvement xvj li.) theis goodes & of the values following vizt Corne worth xij li. three heffers left there & 3 Six Cowes left with one John Bancks all worth xxj li., hay worth xij li. Howsholdstuff proffitts of garden & fyrewood, worth xvj li., And this deponent and her husband were alsoe by meanes of the Rebelljon expelled and dispoyled of their farme, which they held for 17 yeres or above by [lord] Leas from the Lord Bishop of Kilfanora, the value of which she cannott estimate But the value of the rest of her other presente losses amount to Cxxxvj li. x s. ster And further this deponent sayth that all the parties that shee knoweth to bee in the presente Rebellion <A> were and are theis that followe vizt Garrott Talbott of Carton in the Countie of Kildare gent Christopher ffitzgarrett of Kilcock in alias ffitz James of Kilcock in the said Countie gent and Edward James William and Garrett his sonns & John Corb e[ ] of the same the Cowherd there Which parties Rebells before named robbed & dispoyled her said husband & her of their goodes aforesaid: But for the rest of the rebells now in Action she leaveth the same to be named by William Vowells of Larrabryan Clarke, whoe (as she is verely perswaded) welknoweth & can name them
signum pred [mark] Jane
<pred Jan
Jur xxjo
Junij 1642
Will: Hitchcocke
Edw Pigott>
(endorsement on
fol. 331v