Examination of James Peirce re Hugh Turnor
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fol. 316v
James Peirce of Ballell gent aged about fortie yeares being duely sworne & examined touching the said Hugh Turnor of Ballidungan gent, vpon the whole matter of the interrogatories Deposeth and saith that hee well knew the said Hugh Turnor, and that the said Hugh Turnor Liued and Continued in the Irish quarters In the County of wexford at his howse at Ballidungan the whole time of the warre from whence he did not remooue into the english quarters As hee might haue done as Nicholas Codd of Castletowne Adam waller, walter stafford, & other protestant Liuing neere him the said Hugh did: And further saith that the said Hugh was the ablest & the best Contributor in the parish of Kilscowran in the time of the Irish gouerment, the deponents cause of knowledge <k:> is for that the deponent was a nigh neighbour to the said Hugh & dwelt in the same parish with him, & knew his substance, & for that the examinant was A collector of seauerall of the Irish leuyes, & receiued diuers sums of money of the said Hugh, which is the cause of the deponents knowledge of the said Hughes ability & willingnes in contributing to the maintenance of the Irish forces: And further saith that the deponent hath seen the said Hugh to weare a sword amongst the Irish in the Countrey, & that the deponent hath seen the said Hugh frequently at the crosse of Killinicke at the publicque meetings of the barrony in order to the promoting the said rebellyon, And further saith not &c
James Pres
Sworne before vs the
24th January 1653
T Dancer
Am: Andrewes