Deposition of William Hobbs
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 02:03 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 351r
William Hobbs of Siggenstowne, in the parish of the Naas in the Countie of Kildare gardner duly Sworne, saith, that on or aboute the Sixth of december 1641, he was deprived Robbed & or otherwise dispoyled, of all his goods; of the value ffollowinge, vizt; In Apparrill & househould stuffe Thirtie Nine powndes; In vittuals gardenstuffe, garden seedes & other provission ffifteene pownds Ten shillinges sterling, And [ ] alsoe in his comeing for dublin hee was robbed of his horsse Carra
ge; & other in Munition Sixe powndes sterling; A lsoe Lost in Monye Bills Bonds & debts, Thirtie ffive pownds Eleven shillinges & Six pence sterling; In all Amountinge to the somme of Ninetie Six pownds, One shillinge & Six pence sterling; by & by the Meanes of the Neighbours of the Naas, & other Rebels vizt, <A> Thomas Sherloge Soueraigne of the said Naas towne Thomas Mottley yeoman walter Sjddon, yeoman Edward Cullen Bricklayer [ ] Thomas Martin Labourer Donough Duffe, alias Birne, Labourer all of Naas aforsaid Alsoe by the Inhabitants of Johnstowne in the Countie aforesaid whose names he knows not & that theise Traterous words was spoken were generall y spoken by & amongst the said Rebells that theire entents was were Generallye, ffirst to take all the goods ffrom the English; then if they would not departe the Kingdome they would haue theire liues; alsoe they And ffurther saith that the said Rebells did what lay in theire powers to Murder as whose names are here vnder written, at the time of the takeinge away of their goods at which present was hurt Bartholomew Atkinson; & Elizebeth Saunders; there beinge alsoe Robbed with the said william Hobbs Nicho: Blacknall, Mary Page, Richard Cooke, &c & the said Bartholomew Atkinson & Elizabeth Sanderson & Katherin Page were then and there cruelly wounded by the Rebells especially the said Katherin Page: who dyed as hee verely thincketh djed of a wound she then had from the Rebells in her knee
William Hobbs
Jurat 29th Martij 1642
John Sterne
Joh Watson
fol. 351v