Deposition of John Frith
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:27 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 381r
<21 113> John ffrith of Athy [ ] Athy skinner lost in Cattle 8 li. in lether 12 li. wool and leather 13 li. housegoods and prouision 7 li. [8 li.] in his lease of his <Intr> house 4 li. per an: at 12 li. for 3 years, from 22 of 9ber till sunday last by whome he knowes not the names of the Rebels that robed him etc
John ffirth
Jurat John Sterne
fol. 381v
[ ]Kildare 100. 101. 102. 103. 104
105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.
112. 113.114 Queens county
Kilkenny 8 10
Queens Countie 2 31
32 33
Most of theis Robberies
were in Nov
KildareQ County
Eliz GrayEdward Checkley
Temperance MartinJoane Tilson
John GrocockJane Aberley
Richard HayeJohn Hunter
John dixson
katherin ffreckleton
Mary Squirrell
Katherin Whiting
Tho Chambers
Alphagus Tom{ison}
Dorothy Barber
[Raph] Whittacre
John ffrith
Elenor PullenMargery Blackden
Tho Evans
Ann Marsh