Deposition of Myles Williams
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:00 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 128r
Myles Williams of Ballinagh in the kinges County yeoman sworne and examined deposeth and sayth
That on or about the first of December which was in the yere of our Lord god 1641 this deponent was at Ballyingh aforesaid robbed stripped & dispoyled by the Rebells of his goodes and chattells of the values following vizt o{f} beasts and Cattle worth xl li. of corne & tillag{e} land xl li., hay ffortie ffow r e pownds, howsholdgoods xij li. {In} all fowrscore and Sixteene pownds ster {And further} sayth that the Rebells that soe robbed him wer{e John} Kiggan of Ballard in the Kings County ge{ntleman And John} Briskoe, the yonger of Stragh in the s{aid County} gent, and Rory ô Dowgan of Capinacur {in the said county} gent & at the least 40 rebells more in {their company} whose names he cannot expresse, And furth{er sayth} about fowrre or five dayes before the robbery {aforesaid} John Brisko thelder of Stragh aforesaid father of {the said} John Briscoe the yonger meeting with this deponent {in the} towne of Tullamore, asked him if he was not a{fraid} to whom this deponent answered that he did not feare him wherevnto the [deponent who] said Briscoe thelder replied doe you thinck yourself soe strong I will see you some night shortly: wherevpon 4 or 5 nights after the robbery happened as aforesaid And further saith that whenas it was Comonly knowne and reported that an army of Irish rebells were in the Kinges County there was hung vpp out of the howse of the said Briscoe the father & Briscoe the sonn a redd flagg And that saith alsoe that when this deponent was soe robbed the said John Kiggin sayd that he had a Comission from the king to take away his goods and that if this deponent did but stay three dayes after that he had given him warning to be gone that it was at his the said Higgins choise whether he wold lett this
fol. 128v
deponent goe away alive or nor, And further saith that there were alsoe in the Company of them that soe robbed him this deponent at the tyme of the said Robbery theis p e r others persons vizt <B> Cosna mcKiggin of Ballard gent Connor o Bracken of Tullamore Taylor. Morrogh More of the same Brogemaker John ô Brackin of the same Taylor Mortagh ô Brackin of the same husbandman Brian mcGillpatrick of the same husbandman Cormack O Quin alias Cunna of Ballidroghad & William O Quin, alias Cunna of Killesk husbandman, ffarrall ô Quin alias Cunna of the same husbandman Dermott ô Too{le} of Muckla husbandman all of the same County And att the same tyme the rebells aforesaid alsoe robbed & dispoyled of their goodes John Lloyd & Elizabeth Evers both of Ballinagh aforesaid this deponents neighbours
Signum Milonis Will{iams} [mark]
Jur xvijo febr 1641
John Sterne
William Aldrich
[Lacunae in the original have been made good from the copy on fols 49r-50r]
[1892] 1282