Examination of Nicholas Stafford
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fol. 53v
The Examinacion of Nickolas Stafford Esquire taken on behalfe of the Comonwealth <f> concerninge the aforesaid Richard and John Waddinge
Vpon the whole matter of the Interrogatoryes this deponent sath that the said Richard did contrebute as others did in the taxes of the Countrye and did acte as one of the Countye Councell for the Countye of Waxford in the first yeare of the warr and that the said Richard was of the generall asemble was and the tresurer of the County of wexford and did acte and promote the warr [in] the countye generally did and is the a member of the Countyes Councell did [ ]
fol. 54r
and of the prouinciall Councell at Kilkennye and in these seuerall offices the said Richard Continued the most part of the warr this deponent farther sath that the said Richard did taken the oath of associacion and farther this deponent can not depose sath that the said Richard was in the first yeare of the warr by order from the Countye Councell Joynd in Comission with William Esmond of Johnstowne to take vp tythes and other profetts due to seauerall protestants that <g> were fled and not disposed of before they the said protestant were fled remoued which accordinglye the said Richard did take some part vp to this deponents knowledge but neuer saw the said Comission and farther this deponent can not depose
Nic: Stafford
Sworne and examened
before vs the 30th of december 1653
Tho Hart
John Walker
Mathew Stothard