Deposition of Richard Roofe
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:00 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 239r
<Com Regis ff:> Richard Roofe late of Parsonstowne alias Birre in the ki{ngs County} Carpenter being duely sworne and examined deposeth an{d sayth} That since the beginninge of this presente Rebellion and { } and occasion thereof he is robbed stripped and despoy{led of} all his whole Goods and Chattles whereof he was p{ossessed} lawfully consistinge of Cattle houshold Goods linnen { } pewter beddinge Iron Timber for houses Corne hay { } provision sheepe horses and all other Goods necessaries {for the} housholder Togither with 3 faire mansion houses { } in Birre aforesaid and neare the said Towne w{hich were} burnt to the ground by the Rebells, and also { } of the houshold Goods to them belonginge, all w{hich} Losses as aforesaid doe amount vnto the some of Tw{o} hundreth and Tenn pounds and six shillinges sterling besides the future proffitts of all the said houses lands Tenements and proffitts which were worth ffive and Twenty pounds sterling per Annum. The names of the Rebells whoe soe dispoyled The aforesaid Richard were theise ensueing by { } <A> General Preston Earle of Castlehauen, Sir Robert Talbott Arte Molloy Esquire, Teige Carroll of Rathmore { } with diuers others, whome the said Deponentt {cannot} remember theire names.
Richard {Roofe}
Deposed Maij 24o 1643 before vs
Hen: Brereton
Randall: Adams
fol. 239v
Kinges County
Richard Rooffe Jur 24o Maij 1643