Deposition of Hugh wellington
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:11 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 148r
Hugh wellington late of Eniskeane in the parish of Kennegh in the Barrony of Kinalmeakey in the County of Corke feltmaker (a brittish protestant beeinge duely Sworne and examined by vertue of &c deposeth and saith that on or aboute the foorteenth day of february last hee was robbed of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall vallues followinge Vizt: value of 33 li. 10 s.Of the losse of one horse to the v a lue of two pounds seauenteene shillings: of forty Coarde of wood prouided for his trade & Callinge to the vallue of fower pounds ster: of Clo a thes stript off his back by the rebells to the vallue of thirtie shillings ster: this deponent further saith and deposeth that hee was then taken prissoner by the said rebells whereby hee hath vtterly loste the vse of his limbes by their mos t e bitter vsadge of him soe that hee is neuer able heereafter to vse his trade & Callinge which hee vallues to bee loste vnto him to the vallue of for ty pounds sterling per annum & by the which meanes hee is vtterly vndon which hee vallues woorth two hundred & fower score pounds ster for the future by reason alsoe hee deposeth & saith that that hee had his howse burned with the losse of his ho w should goods to the vallue o f twelue pounds ster of the losse of two newe h ats that mc Carty Reagh promised vs hee was agent to pay for the deponent beeinge then in durance to the vallue of ten shillings ster of depts which hee accompted good depts amountinge to the some of fiftye shillings ster before this present rebellion & now become disperate by reason they bee due from the vndernamed persons English protestants & Irish papists J Vizt James Clealand William Boulton John B[racse ? ] James barry David b arry and Richard oge barry The totall of his losses amounts to three & thirtie pounds ten shillinges besides the losse of his trade woorth him ffortie pounds per annum which he leaues to consideration <A> He saith that Charles mc Carty Reagh of Kilbrittin in the said County Esquire tould this deponent <J> when he was aboute the 14th of ffebruary being then in restrante 4 dayes at Mr Brownes house at Inishkyan aforesaid where then the said mc Carty Reagh layed kepte his c ampe that they were the kinges true subiects & wee the rogues & they had the kings Comission to shewe what & that the ffalling out was in England the because the Queenes masse priest & a another ffryer were put to death in England & further tould this deponent that saith he you expecte ayde out of England take my woord you will gett none for whatsoeuer we doe we haue the kings broade seale for it He saith that the rebells stripped
fol. 148v
And the Rebells stripped him this This deponent and afterwards (starke naked in a most inhumane manner tyed him to a horse tayle pricked him forward with their pikes & did driue him like a dogg after the said horse a amatter of nyne miles forward & backe ward & this deponent being fearefully tormented by the vnchristian vsadge the very flesh of his feete being torne thorne of they put him in stockes & there kepte all that night & further deposeth not
Jurat coram nobis
24o 7bris 1642
the agrivances of
Wellington of Eniskeane
Charles mc Carty reagh
non extr