Deposition of Thomas Wilson
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 06:00 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 151r
Thomas Wilson of Mountmelick in the parish of Rossanallis and in the Barrony of Irregan, within the Queenes County sworne and examined, deposeth that on or about the 29th of Nouember last, he was forciblye robbed & dispoyled of the goodes followinge worth vizt of Corne, worth two hundreth pounds of Chattle worth fiue hundreth twenty six pounds, of houshold goods worth one hundreth pounds, of leases worth ffiue hundreth powndes <in present to be sould,> which for future times wilbe worth nothing and of other goodes, vizt my his tan house, and of all the stock therein Contained, worth one hundreth pounds. In all amountinge, to one thowsand ffower hundreth twenty Six <1426> pownds by the handes or meanes of John McWilliam Doyne <A> of Cappan skarry gent Teige McDaniell Doyne gent Donough McArt Doyne of Gurtine gent, Daniell Doyne of Tenehinch, gent Dorby McBryne and John McBryne Doyne of Clonehin gent Mortagh McShaen of Melick gent Donogh MacShaen of Rossanellis gent Owen McWilliam of Mellick gent And by the handes or meanes of seuerall others of the Doynes, and Dempsies whose names he I knoweth not. And alsoe by the handes or meanes <B> of Gregory Molloy of Clonnkeen gent Theobald McNeale Molloye of the same gent Rory oge Molloy of the same gent and Neale McTybbott Molloy of Pallice gent, and diuerse others of theire adherentes whose names he I knoweth not.
And these trayterous wordes were spoken and lewde actions were Committed by the persons aforesaid, and against the said Thomas Wilson his wife, and ffamily and in the manner hereafter mencioned vizt. That they in warlick manner vizt. with Gunns, swords, longe skeanes, poleaxes, Pikes and dartes Comminge to the said Thomas Wilsons house at the falle of the night, said that they came to take possession of theire lands and to take all English mens goodes, and did giue Comand, to the said Thomas, his wife and familye, to leaue both his house & [family] Land, & to leaue the Country, and to goe for from whence they came, And if they had found the said Thomas there, that they would Cutt him in smale peeces.Theise other Passages and Circumstances Concerninge this this pre sent Rebellion & the outrage & w icked actions aforesaid I he knoweth to be true.
Tho: Wilson
Jurat ultimo ffebr 1641
Roger Puttocke
William Aldrich
fol. 151v
9 Queens County
Tho: Wilson 28o febr 1641
29 no