Deposition of Henry Halbord
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 149r
Henry Halbord of the Towne and parish of Mitche{ls}towne in the parish barony of Clangibbon and within the County of Cork shoomaker (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission to vs or any Two or more of vs directed (beareing date &c deposeth and saith That vpon the 14th day of febr Anno domini 16 concerneing the losses robberies and spoiles since this rebellion comitted vpon the brittish and protestants within the Provi n ce of Munster &c deposeth and saith That vpon the 14th day of february Anno domini 1641 the deponent lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of his goods and Chattles to the seuerall values followeing vizt worth 19 li. Of his houshould stufe weareing apparell prouision and Corne to the value of fiue pounds Of debts amounting {to} the sume of eight pounds of his creditors he canot tell his booke of accounts being taken away by the rebells Of m[ ] & his le[ ] to the value {of} six pounds The totall of his losses amounts to nyntee{ne} pounds The deponent beinge further examined deposeth And that {v}pon the day and yeere first aboue written the vndernamed persons namely Patricke Purcell of Croe in the County of limericke Esquire lieutenant generall of the Province of Munster Edmond Butler of Beala droghet in the County of Tipp{er}ary lieutenant Collonell, Collonell Butler the lord of Ikerins { } sarieant major generall of the Province of Munster William lord Baron of Castle conell Colonell of a regiment of [ ] foote Dauid Roch son & heire to the lord Roch Comander of som horse Edmond ffennell capteine of a troope of horse Philip o Dwire of Dondrum in the County of Tipperary gentleman {C}omander of a troope of horse Morris Harbert of {R}athkeile in the County of lymericke gentleman capteine of a foote {com}pany, Walter Welsh capteine of another foote company
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<B> Nicholas Baggot of Baggotstowne in the Cou{nty of} lymericke gentleman gentleman Capteine Rory mc Shihy captein{e of} a foote company, James Byrne capteine of the lord {of} Cahirs company Capteine Butler Capteine & diuers {other} <symbol> Capteines and Comanders (whose names the deponen{t can} not remember) all the said parties with their forces co{n}sisting of Two one Thousand foote & Two troopes of ho{rse} or therabo{utes} marched towards Mitchelstowne aforesaid aboute seaven or eight { } a’ clock in the morneing of the same day & in a reb{elious} and hostill maner marched assaulted the same bein{ge} kepte by an English garrison and amonge other ac{ts} of hostility then comitted by the said parties they set fi{re} to the said Towne & burned the same to the ground & this deponent in or neere the said Towne of M{it}chelstowne aforesaid at a place called Bregun{ } was taken prisoner by them ; and carryed to a pla{ce} called Condon wood alias KeilWallis in the said County { } then and there (as this deponent was informed) the sam{e} lord of Castle connell sent one Nagle a mass pr{iest} to this deponent to try & perswade this deponent him to turne papist, yea or noe he answered noe & that he was b{orne} in another relligion, the said Nagle then replyed & said the relligion that you professe (quoth he) is noe relligion & you will neuer be saued if you mainteine & perseuere in the same, addinge further that any man that professed the same relligion with this deponent was noe true Christain o{r} woords to that effecte The deponent saith; That he being kepte prisoner there till sunday followeing the 19th day of february he obserued the said parties ente{r}tained with meate drinke & lodging in the house of Jo{hn} Condon of Ballywallis Keile Wallis aforesaid whoe t{ }
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kepte in vnder the protection of the English army; & from then{ce} <C> they marched with their said forces to the said Sir Edward fitz Harris his house at Cloghynorfy in the County of lymericke where this deponent was kepte prisoner till sunday following the 25th day of february; dureing this deponents restrainte at Cloghnorfy aforesaid he obserued, that the said forces parties with their said forces marched to Dunerayle in the said County kepte by an English garrisson & setting fire to the same burned most houses in the same said Towne and amonge other acts of hostility comitted in the said Towne by the said parties, then & there they tooke three men prisoners & a woman bigg with child, & alsoe in their way comeing backe at Cushingtowne after robbing pilladging & burneing the said Towne likewise they tooke one Morris o Shighan{e} of same gentleman & Henry Holyday of the said same Tucker prisoners all which parties soe taken by them were hange{d} or caused to be hanged by directions of the said parties his cause of knowledge partely herin is, that three of the said prisoners after comeing from Dunerayle aforesaid were comitted for the space of an houre vpon the same guard at Cloghnorfy where this deponent was restrained before they were executed, whereby the deponent came to the certeine knowledge of the premisses The deponent further saith that from thence he was carryed to Kilmallocke where (as alsoe in thother places) he heard credibly reported by their friers that his Maiestie was turned papist & of their side & therefore sent ouer out of England into them two Ensignes their names he canot remember he heard [ ] the m but He alsoe saith that dureing his comittall amonge them hee heard it credibly reported that one Capteine Danell came a northerne man came from beyond sea & brought them to Dungarvan in the County of Wa: armes and amunition for eight Thousand foote & fiue hundred horse & soe much more for the Towne of Weishford he likewise saith that after the said Cushinstowne was burnt
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they carryed Mr Cushins mass priest to Kilmall{ocke} <D> aforesaid & then & there Morris mc Gibbon of Ballinehey in the said County of lymericke gentleman tould the said Priest you are a pretty fellowe (quoth he) a man of your coate to liue among the English rebells & traytors all this while or woords to that effecte & further he deposeth not
Henry [mark] Halbords
Jurat coram nobis
17 Martij 1642
Phil: Bisse
Ric: Williamson
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Henry Halbord
Nu: 50