Deposition of John Glasse

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:03 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-04-08
Identifier: 815197v273


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Queen's Co
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Desecration, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Words, Succour
Commissioners: John Sterne, Randall Adams
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 197v

<Aprill the April the> April 8: 1642 depositions taken at Mariburrow Queenes Compt.
John: Glasse of Mountrath lost to the vallew of 40 li. of goods which hee put in to the hands of fflorence ffitzpaterick Esquire of Castletowne in the Queenes Count: who pretended himselfe to bee aspeciall freind to Sir Charles Coote, & to all those that had any relation to him which moued mee to put my goods under his protection who since hath beene so farre from being a protector that he hath become the betrayor & not onely of my goods but as far as he could my life for he who professed to many how much hee thirsted after my blood. And not onely myne but very many others, & some whoe were too confident of safetie under him who & protested what great matters, hee would doe for them who in most bloodie, & barbarous manor, murthered those betooke themselues to him for safetie, as Mr John Nicolson, and his wife Anne Nicolson, who were in his owne house for seuerall weekes but seeing by no meanes he could worke upon them to turne them to masse or the present rebellion; who professed first to the husband, & then the wife that rather then they would ether forsake their religion, or fight against their owne countrimen; they would die the death; the husband protesting how much he abhorred it; & his wife euen shewing greater resolution when they much pressed her to burne her bible but her answer was most peremtorye that before she would burne her Bible she or turne against her countrie shee would die upon the poynt of the sword which they both made good uppon the saboath day in the morneing next after the 12th day last at which time they were most cruelly butchered & murthered before Masse time that morneing at the command of the said fflorence ffitz patericke the instrument that acted that villanie was one John Harding who since hath beene beyond all expression tormented in his conscience: & with such continu’d aparitions of them as he conceiu’d in such the most liuely manor as hee murthered them in that he is now euen consum’d away with the horror of it as is most frequently reported amoungst the rebels themselues this witnessed upon oath by the deponent & like wise more punctually upon oath related & confe{ } by George Silly & further it is some what remarkeable that one Dermott o Dempsie with whom the forsayd Mr Nicolson & his wife had compacted (seeing them conspire against their liues) for 8 li. but he betrayed them likewise; who himselfe was most deseruedly slayne (& that first in a skermish betweene the rebells & the good subiects of Mariburrow) febr: 17: This deponent further alleadgeth that he lost in good bonds 36 li. in Wooll Mault, barley, & other househo leather househould goods to the valew of 6 li., as allso fiue bacon hoggs at 3 li. 2 horses & a pill of wood at 8 li.
John: Glasse
Randall Adams
John Sterne

John Engli

fol. 197r


2 Q 19 Queens County
John Glasse Aprill the viijth 1642
Intr hand w

Deponent Fullname: John: Glasse
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Queens County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: fflorence ffitzpaterick, John Harding, Charles Coot, John Nicolson, Jane Nicolson, George Silly
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Victim, Victim, Mentioned