Examination of Nicholas Connor
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fol. 153v
Nicholas Connor of Ballinvellegh gent aged about Sixty yeares being Sworne & examined Concerning the foresaid Tirlaugh Murphy of Dundrum gent deceased saith as followes vizt
That the said Tirlaugh dwelt at Dundrum about three miles adjacent from this examinants habitacion all the time of the rebellyon and did not thence remoove into the english quarters And further saith that hee did see the said Tirlaugh at some of the publicque meetings of the Irish held in and for the said Barrony <f> of Ballaghkeen in relacion to their aduising of raysing men and maintenance for them for the security of the Countrey And further saith that he did see the said Marcus sonne to the foresaid Tirlaugh at diuers of the said publicque meetings as well the first yeare as sithence and further Cannot depose
Nicholas [mark] Connor his marke
Sworne before vs the 24th of ffebruary 1653
R: Hussey
Edward WitheyWilliam Talbot of wexford yeoman aged fortie nyne yeares saith Deposeth concerning the said Tirlaugh